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greetings/hellos, introductions/ ice breakers and goodbyes. 问好;介绍、打破僵局;结束对话。 一. Greetings/ Hellos 问好篇 As most of you have probably learnt, the most commonly taught way to greet someone is 大部分人都知道问好的方式如下: -“Hi, How are you?” -“Fine thanks, and you?” -“Good, thanks for asking.” This phrase is 100% correct, and probably used 100% of the time by English learners. But doesn’t that get a little boring after a while? 这个对话确实百分百正确,而且可能已经被英语学习者百分百的用过了。但是,你不觉得用了这么久已经感到厌烦了吗? If you want to diversify your greetings a little bit, and make it sound more fluent, leave those text books in the classroom, there is another way. How does this sound. 如果你想让自己的问候有特色些,听起来更流利些,请放弃使用那些课堂上教科书中的用法,我们有其它方法。您看下面这个听起来如何: -“Hey buddy! What have you been UP TO?” 嘿,哥们儿!(朋友)最近忙啥呢? -“Oh hey Dude! Not too much, just working and hanging out with my girlfriend.” 嗨,老兄!也没忙啥,就是上上班,跟好朋友逛逛街啥的。 -“Sweet.” 不错嘛。 That sounds a lot more natural right? So, what does UP TO mean? 这听起是不是自然多了?那么, UP TO是什么意思呢? The expression up to is a synonym of do. We use this in spoken English because as it’s more of an informal expression. When I greet someone with the question “what have you been up to?” I am asking them what have they been DOING recently. up to这个用法是do的同义词。我们在英文口语中使用它因为它是一个不正式的表达方法。当我用“what have you been up to?”这种方式来问候别人时,我实际是在问他们最近在忙什么呢。 The question is in the present perfect continuous so you will answer with the verb in the continuous. For example: 这个问题是用现在完成进行时来提问的,所以回答时也用进行时态的这个动词。例如: ? “Hey mate, what have you been up to?” “Ah, the same old, studying, surfing, going out, having some drinks with friends.” ? “Have you been playing guitar?” ? “yeah I’ve been playing a few times a week.” ? “You been watching the football?” ? “Nah, I don’t really like watching football.” You’ll notice that’s its very common for a native speaker to use the present perfect continuous like this when greeting a buddy. When a person greets me this way the conversation seems to flow a lot more, and it allows us to summarize all the recent


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