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仔细阅读说明该笔记请结合视频观看,笔记已经标出哪些内容适合英语1或者英语2适用。视频讲解是先从大作文第二段开始讲解,然后第一段讲解,接着第三段,最后第四段。笔记难免有未到位之处还请以视频为主。该笔记第二段和第三段、第四段的内容讲解适合英语2的同学,英语1整个笔记都适用。英语2的同学第一段请看补充的视频,时间仅37分钟。A、第二段:英语一和英语二均适用S1、原因段——共5句1、数据写法:in accordance with the most updated statistics conducted by Newsweek, a famous newspaper concerned with public health in america, smoking is the biggest killer today for us, causing over 3million lives a year.2、理论写法:based on the most widely accepted theory concerning public health and smoking by professor Alexsandra Coffman, a leading expert in the research of health, smoking is causing hugedisater for human beings today.3、伦理写法:①respecting the old was, is and will be a cherished value for every chinese②respecting the old was, is and will be a cherished value for every chinese, old or young, rich or poor, son or daughter.③Miss Gao句型n, n+从1,n2+从2,n3+从3,+原句Miss Gao, a teacher who taught me english when i was in school; a friend who helped me a lot when i was in trouble; a lady who is always nice to her students, died now.S2、实践中的好处和坏处①smoking is like openning a pandora box, causing tremendous harm for everyone, old or young, rich or poor,men or woman.潘多拉②it will hurt not only your health but the environment as well.③smoking will bring so many harms, in which hurting your health is only a tip of an iceberg.冰山一角④playing cards may seem funny, yet it is nothing but a blessing in disguise 斗地主smoking is the last thing a young person shoud do.⑤the negative effect that smoking may bring is never a flash in pan, but long-lasting and far-reaching. 昙花一现⑥if a young person get addicted to smoking, he will be trapped in the shell of his own making. 作茧自缚⑦if a young person falls into smoking, it will become the waterloo of his life.滑铁卢(象征失败)省略句用于具体化,一定用被动写 ⑧smoking will bring so many harms, in which hurting your health is only a tip of an iceberg. With years of smoking, your physical health will be damaged, and with it your ability to focus in study.⑨If somkingcan not be controlled,a


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