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全国2004年4月高等教育自学考试 外刊经贸知识选读试题 课程代码:00096 Ⅰ.Choose one answer that best explains the underlined part of the following statements or best completes them:(30%) 1.Unlike cereals and other farm goods, which the Uruguay round aimed to bring within the GATT’s jurisdiction for the first time, oilseeds already fall within it.(   ) A. justification B. authority C. justice D. announcement 2.Speculators profited handsomely from the price fluctuation of the 1990s.(   ) A. stability B. flexibility C. volatility D. regulation 3.In this project everybody does his own share of the work.(   ) A. participation B. portion C. promotion D. production 4.The treaty stipulates a member’s obligations and benefits.(   ) A. privilege B. duty C. ability D. action 5. Facing the challenge of cheap American corn in the 1870s, Danish farmers developed a lucrative market exporting butter, eggs, and bacon to the UK.(   ) A. smooth B. profitable C. substantial D. sophisticated 6.It is not a blueprint for how the single market will actually work.(   ) A. detailed plan B. blue color C. legal framework D. blue printer 7.In this area, some foreign investors can enjoy tax breaks.(   ) A. intervals B. preferential gaps C. rests D. preferential policies 8.The foreign company locates an agent in Shanghai.(   ) A. situates B. secures C. places D. flourishes 9.The store discounted all clothing for the sale.(   ) A. expanded on scale B. extended to some degree C. put to an end D. reduced in price 10.Major suppliers to the Hong Kong egg market are making greater efforts to increase the competitiveness of their products.(   ) A. capability of competition B. possibility of competition C. probability of competition D. competitor 11.There is a rigid export quota in that country.(   ) A. flexible B. stupid C. rapid D. stiff 12.Foreign trade plays a major role in the Four Modernizations program.(   ) A. part B. rule C. partner D. roll 13.


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