教案unit4choosing a gift.doc

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教案unit4choosing a gift

课题 Unit 1 Meeting the BINGO Kids(1) 授课人 袁红 教学 目标 知识目标: 1 通过本课学习,使学生能够理解对话故事内容,能够模仿、表演会话内容。 2.理解复述故事内容,感知语法和理解词汇意义。 3.在学生语音知识的支持下,使学生能听、读本单元表示服饰的部分单词。 4.初步感知、理解本单元的功能句型:I prefer /love/like How much is the How much does it cost? 能力目标: 1 培养学生认真观察,从他人的语言中获取信息的能力。 2 培养学生复述课文的能力。 情感目标: 1 关心朋友,了解朋友的兴趣爱好。 2 通过学习孩子们为Daniel选礼物的整个过程,让学生明白选礼物应从他人的爱好出发,还要根据自己的实际情况来为朋友选礼物。 重点 理解unit 4 主题故事。 难点 观察图片和人物语言,从中获取信息进行描述。 复述课文。 教学方法 任务教学法,交际法 教具准 电脑课件,图片 板 书 设 计 Unit 4 Choosing a gift (1) belt cap sweatpants sunglasses CD gloves prefer like/prefer prefer love is/cost $30 $25 $ 10 $13 $10 cool/style 课后小结 Choosing a gift 实物激趣 Good morning boys and girls. I am very happy today, because my friend bought a birthday gift for me yesterday. Guess, what is it? (It’s round, I can play table tennis with it) Look! It’s a table tennis bat. I like it very much, because I like playing table tennis. When your friend’s birthday, what gift do you want to buy for your friend? 讲解 (一) 出示picture 1: Today the kids want to buy a gift too. Now let’s look at the picture and their words. Who do they buy the gift for? Daniel. Yes. Where do you get the answer? (How do you know?) Why don’t you go and play a video game? Right. From this sentence we know they want to buy a gift for Daniel (二) 出示picture 2: Where do they buy the gift? Where are they now? Shopping mall What’s the meaning? 大型购物中心 all pronounce / / m-all pronounce / / Who can try? 观察图: What can you see in the shopping mall? stote and many floors Is shopping mall big or small? 提出问题: They want to buy a gift. Then they go to the shopping mall. What do they see in the shopping mall and what do they buy in the end? Now let’s see the movie carefully.(带着问题观看动画) What things do they see? 教师引导:They see What do they buy? 学生


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