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unit1,2 翻译练习

P6 1.据说运动会将在下周举行(take place) It is said that the sports meeting will take place next week sth take place in some place 2.他上学时喜欢捉弄老师(play a trick on) He liked playing a trick on his teachers while he was at school play a trick on sb 3.我们盼望已久的日子终于来了(look forward to) The day we had been looking forward to came at last look forward to doing sth 4.今天晚上在聚会上你会和朋友们玩得很开心(have fun with) You will have fun with your friends at the party tonight have fun with sb 5.我们都对周月华所做的表示钦佩(admire) We all admire Zhou yuehua for what she has done admire sb for sth 6.因为那名官员的勇敢,总统奖励了他(award) The president awarded the offer for his bravery award sb for sth 7.这个箱子你搬太重(主语+adj+to do) The box is heavy for you to carry sth is adj for sb to do 8.他在哪里夸夸其谈,好像他到过世界的每一个角落(as if) He is talking big there,as if he had visited every corner of the world as if 用虚拟语气 对过去的虚拟用过去完成时 had done 9.我到这里以后结识了许多朋友(gain) I have gained a lot of friends since I arrived here gain sth 10.手里拿着一些花,这个女孩走进教室(with) The girl walked into the classroom with some flowers in her hand with + 名词+in one’s hand P8 1.我妈妈不允许我在晚上单独出去(permit) My mother doesn’t permit me to go out alone at night permit sb to do sth 2.为纪念他的好友,他写下了一首感人的诗(in memory of) He wrote a moving poem in memory of his good friend in memory of sth 3.汤姆的生日蛋糕是火车形状的(in the shape of) Tom is birthday cake was in the shape of a train in the shape of sth 4.他张开嘴巴好像要说些什么(as if ) He opened his mouth as if to say something 5.没有人喜欢被戏弄(trick) No one likes to be played a trick on play a trick on sb 6.妈妈让我吃鱼时小心鱼刺(be careful with) Mother asked me to be careful with the bones while eating fish be careful with sth 7.在周末我宁愿待在家里而不喜欢出去(would rather) I would rather stay at home than go out at weekends would rather do sth than do sth 8.无论你多么细心,都有可能出错(however) However careful you are ,there is a chance to make a mistake however+adj不管多么 9.这个数学问题很难计算出来(主语+adj+to do) The math problem is hard to work out work out the problem 10.因为有许多作业要做,所以汤姆不想和我一起外出(with+宾语


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