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E 已编辑A4打印阅读英语材料 2016-4-19

牛津博客词汇辨析:all right alrightIs it acceptable to write alright as one word, rather than two separate ones? For example:将all right 用单个单词alright来代替是不是可以接受的呢?比如:She calls them whenever she is travelling to assure them she is alright.无论她何时出行,她都会给他们打电话使他们确信自己最近不错。事实上,alright是all right 的合并词。Similar ‘merged’ words such as altogether and already have been accepted in standard English for a very long time, so there is no logical reason to object to the one-word form alright.相似的合并词汇还有altogether和already,这两个词汇在很早以前就已经被纳入新词,因此,从理论上来讲,我们不应该拒绝一个单词构成的alright。Nevertheless, many people dislike it and regard it as incorrect,?so it’s best to avoid using alright in formal writing. Write it as two separate words instead:然而,仍有很多人不喜欢alright这个词甚至认为其是错误的。因此我们在较为正式的写作中最好避免使用alright。将它写作all right这两个单词来代替:如上面的例子可写为:She calls them whenever she is travelling to assure them she is all right冬吃萝卜夏吃姜:姜的9大保健功效What Exactly Is Ginger... And What Are Its Benefits?姜到底是什么……它有什么益处?Ginger is a?rhizome?in the?Zingiberaceae?family, and its related to turmeric, cardamom, and galangal.姜是姜科中的一种根茎,它与姜黄、小豆蔻、高良姜有亲缘关系。A rhizome is found underground — but its actually a stem, not a root!这种根茎长于地下——但它实际上是一种茎,不是根!Ginger has been used for centuries to relieve aches, pains, and ailments of all kinds. It can be used as a spice in all kinds of cooking, as well as brewed to make tea.几个世纪以来,姜就被用于缓解疼痛以及各种疾病。也可将其添加在各种饭菜中作为香料,而且姜还可以用于泡茶。Benefit #1: Eases?Nausea功效一:缓解恶心Ginger has long been used as a treatment for nausea of all kinds, including sea sickness and the nausea that comes after surgeries and other medical treatments.长期以来,姜一直被用于缓解各种恶心,包括晕船以及外科手术和其他医学治疗后随之而来的恶心。Benefit #2: Aids Digestion功效二:助消化Ginger has been shown to speed the stomachs emptying process and make digestion go more smoothly.研究表明,姜可以加速胃部排空,并使消化更顺畅。Benefit #3: Soothes Achy Muscle功效三:舒缓肌肉酸痛Ginger has been shown to be effective in soothing sore muscles, especially from exercise-induced pain.研究表明,姜可以有效地舒缓肌肉酸痛,尤其是运动引起的酸痛。Benefit #4: Soothes?Osteoarthritis功效四:缓解骨关节炎G


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