DIVISION V 欧洲文化入门复习脉络.doc

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DIVISION V 欧洲文化入门复习脉络

第五章 复习脉络 1、The first time to look at men’s place in the Universe started in the 17th century. 2、In modernism, men’s position in the universe was looked at in a fresh new way. 3、The world outlook of educated men was transformed. There was a profound (深远的) change in the conception of men’s place in the universe.(人在宇宙中的位置) 4、The 17th century philosophy was focus on materialist in nature. 5、17th century Science: ☆physics ☆mathematics ☆chemistry biology psychology 6、The modern world, so far as mental outlook is concerned, begins in the 17th century.现代世界从何时开始 7、Kepler’s Laws formed the basis of all modern planetary astronomy and led to Newton’s discovery of the laws of gravitation 8、the laws of gravitation (万有引力的内容): the sun, the moon, the earth, the planets, and all the other bodies (天体) in the universe move in accordance with the same basic force, which is call gravitation. 9、Francis Bacon’s works —→ The Advancement of Learning —→ The New Atlantis —→ The Novum Organum (New Method) —→ Essays (《散文集》) 10、Essays are Bacon’s most widely read work. 58 essays were included. 11、Francis Bacon ① Knowledge is power. (知识就是力量) ② Virtue is like precious odours — most fragrant when they are incensed or crushed. 品德像宝贵的气味- ③ Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested. ④ Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man.(纯粹的人) 读书可以使人成竹在胸 ⑤ Histories make men wise. (学史可以使人明智) ⑥ Wives are young men’s mistresses, companions for the middle-aged, and old men’s nurses. 12、Tomas Hobbes —→ Leviathan 13、the Great Instauration to break with the past, and to restore man to his lost mastery of the natural world. This was what Bacon called the Great Instauration. (大恢复理论) 14、Inductive method Inductive method was established by Francis Bacon in 17th century. Induction means reasoning (推理) from particular facts or individual cases to a general conclusion.(从特殊推一般). Induction was put over against Deductive


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