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题 目 110kV变电所电气一次部分初步设计
并列英文题目110kV electrical substation part of the preliminary design of a
系 部 电气工程系 专业 供用电技术
摘 要
Electricity substation is an important component of the system, it will directly affect the power system security and economic operation of power plants are linked and users of intermediate links, transformation and distribution of power plays a role. The main electrical power plant substation wiring is the main link in the main electrical wiring directly related to the development of the whole plant (by) the choice of electrical equipment, power distribution equipment layout, relay protection and automatic device identification, is part of the electrical substation the decisive factor in the size of investment.
The design of a 110kV electrical substation part of the preliminary design, first of all, according to the main terminal of the economic and reliable operation of all flexibility to choose the connection mode voltage, in the technical aspects and economic aspects of comparison, the flexibility to select the optimum connection mode .
Secondly, to carry out short-circuit current calculation, according to point out the short-circuit short-circuit all the impact of steady-state current and short circuit current, calculated from the three-phase short-circuit when the circuit has been occurring in the work of the bus voltage, the steady-state current and the impact of short-circuit current value.
Finally, in accordance with the voltage level of the rated voltage and maximum continuous operating current equipment choice, and then proceed to check.
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