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分享有英文定义的精准法律词汇(a-b) a company duly incorporated?正式注册的公司?It shall be a company duly incorporated under the Company Law of Peoples Republic of China a year and a day?一整年?a period specified as the limit of time in various legal matters, as in determining a right or a liability, to allow for a full year by any way of counting a.k.a.?亦称?also known as ab initio?从开始?Latin, from the beginning ab intestato?无遗嘱的?Latin, having made no legal will ab ovo?从一开始?Latin, from the very beginning ABA?美国律师协会?American Bar Association abandoned?被遗弃的?left alone without being attended or supported abandoned property?遗弃物?a property left behind intentionally and permanently when it appears that the former owner does not intend to take it back abandonment option?放弃选择权?a clause relating to the possibility of abandoning a project and terminating the contract earlier than originally planned abate?终止?to suppress or end a nuisance, act, or writ, or be suppressed or ended abatement?终止?suppression or end a nuisance, act, or writ, or be suppressed or ended abduct?诱拐?to take somebody away by deception abduct?绑架?不如“kidnap”常用 abduction?诱拐?the act of taking somebody away by deception abduction?绑架?不如“kidnapping”常用 abductor?绑架者?one who takes somebody away by force abductor?诱拐者?one who takes somebody away by deception abeyance?所有权未定状态?a condition in which legal ownership of an estate has not been established abeyance?暂缓执行?temporary inactivity or nonoperation abide?遵守?to comply with or act in accordance with something such as a decision or rule ability to pay?支付能力?the capacity of a borrower to meet payments as they become due abode?遵守?the past participle, past tense of abide abolish?废除?to put an end to something such as a law abolition?废除?the act of officially ending a law, regulation, or practice abort?堕胎?to remove an embryo or fetus from the womb in order to end a pregnancy abortion?堕胎?an operation or other ways to end a pregnancy by removing an embryo or fetus from the womb abridge?节略?to shorten a text, e


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