文化对比与翻译the fifth time.doc

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文化对比与翻译the fifth time

The fifth time 《汉英翻译基础》 绪论 1.翻译在西方 2. 翻译在中国 第一章 汉译英的理论基础 1.3.4 汉译英的标准 例子: 太阳-sun 他望着蔚兰的天空。-He looked at the blue sky. 禁止吸烟-No Smoking 乒乓-ping-pong 千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。-From hill to hill no bird in flight, From path to path no man in sight. 接收竟成劫搜。-Taking-over turns out to be loot-taking. 这架飞机该有多大的重量啊!它载着解放区人名的心,载着全中国人民的希望,载着我们国家的命运。-What a heavy load this aerophane bore! It carried the hearts of the people of the liberated areas, the hopes of the entire Chinese people, and the destiny of our country. 林老师:您身体好吗?我们特别想您, 女同学都哭了,后来就不哭了,后来我们作算术,题目特别特别难,我们费了半天劲,中于算出来了…… 看着信,林震不禁独自笑起来,他拿起笔把“中于”改成“终于”,准备在回信时告诉他们下次要避免别字。-?“Dear Teacher Lin: How are you? We miss you very, very much. After you left all the girls cried and then we did some very, very difficult sums. It was much hard work, but we finally got it rite in the end…” Reading the letter, Lin couldn’t help smiling to himself. He changed “rite” to “right” thinking that he should tell them to be more careful with their spelling next time they wrote. 诗中有画,画中有诗。-There is poetry in the paintings, and there are paintings in the poetry. 人无千日好,花无百日红。-Man cannot be always fortunate; flowers do not last forever. 满招损,谦受益。-Haughtiness invites losses while modesty brings profits. 小桔灯-lamp 年饭-family reunion meal on the eve of the Spring Festival 除了我这间房,大院里还有二十多间房呢。一共住着多少家子,谁说得清?住两间房的就不多,又搭上今儿个搬来,明儿个又搬走。我没那么好的记性。大家见面,招呼声“吃了吗?”透着和气。-Besides the room we occupy there are twenty more rooms in the same compound. How many families live there, only God knows. Those who occupy two rooms are very few. Besides, they are always on the go(moving in today and moving out tomorrow). I haven’t got such a good memory as to remember all that. When people meet, they pass the time of the day with each other, just to show their good neighbourly feelings. 正是呢!我一见了妹妹,一心都在他身上,又是喜欢,又是伤心,竟忘记了老祖宗。该打,该打!-I was so carried away by joy and sorrow at sight of my little cousin. I forgot our Old Ancestress. I deserve to be caned.


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