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岳麓书院导游词 Tom Mike 岳麓书院是中国古代四大书院之一。北宋开宝九年(公元976年),潭州太守朱洞在僧人办学的基础上,正式创立岳麓书院。嗣后,历经宋、元、明、清各代,至清末光绪二十九年(公元1903年)改为湖南高等学堂,尔后相继改为湖南高等师范学校、湖南工业专门学校,1926年正式定名为湖南大学。历经千年,弦歌不绝,故世称“千年学府” Yuelu Academy is one of the four famous academies in China. It was established on the basis of monks running school by Zhudong, the magistrate of Tanzhou prefecture in 976A.D at the time of Northern Song Dynasty. The academy accepted disciples throughout the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was only in 1903 that the academy was transformed from a school of traditional Confucian learning to an institute of higher learning and in 1926 it was officially named Hunan University. The academy has witnessed a history of more than one thousand years without a break, so it was called a “one-thousand-year-old academy”. 我们便到了岳麓书院的大门,大门始建于宋代,旧称“中门”,清代同治7年进行过翻修,采用的是南方将军门式的结构。   我们看到门上的匾额是宋朝皇帝真宗所赠。据说在北宋祥符八年,宋真宗听说岳麓书院的办学很不错,又听说山长周式以德行著称于世,于是便召见了周式并准备留他在京城讲学做官,但周式心系着岳麓书院,坚拒不从,真宗被他的精神所感动,就亲赐了“岳麓书院”四字及经书等物,岳麓书院从此名闻天下,求学者络绎不绝,成为北宋四大书院之一。   大家再看一下两边的对联:“惟楚有材,于斯为盛”。这一付对联也道出了岳麓书院作为天下最辉煌的英才荟萃之地的历史事实。 The gate was formally built at the time of the song Dynasty, and was then called central gate. The present structure was renovated in the 7th year of Tongzhi reign of Qing Dynasty, adopting the st ructure of a General Gate of southern China. The characters “Yuelu Academy” on the horizontal tablet were inscribed by Emperor Zhen Zong, the emperor of Song Dynasty. It was said in the 8th year of Xiangfu reign, northern song Dynasty Zhengzong learnt the education reputation of Yuelu Academy and the virtue of the master, Zhoushi, so he summoned Zhoushi to the capital to an interview and gives him the title “master of the imperial college” in the hope that he would stay in capital to gives lectures. However, Zhoushi longed for his Yuelu academy and insisted on going back to the academy. So the emperor awarded his Majesty’s own handwriting “Yuelu Academy” to hang on the top of the main gate and meanwhile presented him wit


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