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(牛津译林版)高一英语期末总复习 教学重难点:重点单词词组,语法知识点 (一)单词词组: 对指挥官的妻子好奇 be curious about the commander’s wife 启航去满是冰山的地方 set sail for the place full of icebergs 在场的候选人 present candidates 出席/参加重要的舞会 be present at the important party 科学的解释 scientific explanation 与……相比 compared to/with 把探险家与船长比较 compare explorer with captain 把A比作B compare A to B 大量,许多 a great deal of/a large amount of/a great many/a large number of 在轨道内 in orbit 环绕地球运行 orbit the earth 胜任这项任务 be qualified for the task 为他赢得了这个职位 win him this position 作为……出名 be known as 肯定的是 what is certain is… 和 as well as 也会导致疾病 result in illness as well 通往河岸 lead to the bank of the river 心脏病 heart trouble 7年内 within 7 years 木乃尹的诅咒 the curse of the mummy 一……就 upon/on doing; hardly…when; no sooner…than 宁愿…… would rather do than do/prefer to do rather than do 鼓励我们仔细检查 encourage us to examine carefully 不鼓励 discourage sb from doing 结果 as a result (of sth) 设法做成 manage to do 清空坟墓 empty the tomb 预先 in advance 与制造商有关 have something to do with the maker 在地震中幸存 survive the earthquake 忙于…… be busy doing/be busy with 飞往非洲 fly to Africa 乘骆驼穿越沙漠 travel through the desert on camels/by camel 事实上 in fact/as a matter of fact/actually 在黑暗中 in the dark 万一船上下翻转过来 in case the boat get turned upside down 包括山谷 including the valley 吓跑野生动物 scare away the wild animals 与细菌和谐相处 be in harmony with viruses 根据政府正式出版的书 according to the book officially published by the government 形成人间天堂 form a heaven on earth 盼望着它带来好结果 look forward to its paying off 屹立在辽阔的草原上 tower over the vast grassland 晴朗的晚上 on clear nights 确定提供足够的旅游点 make sure you have provided enough tourist spots 食物和水的供应 supplies of food and water 延伸到天空 reach to the sky 不论长颈鹿多么普通 however common the giraffe is 不论背包里有什么 whatever is in the backpack 排除她嫉妒她妹妹的可能性 rule out the possibility that she envies her sister 编造谎言 make up lies 加紧探索外太空 step up searching the outer space 由于相似的网站 due to a similar website 负责最近发生的案件 take charge of the case happened lately/recently 对这个无法解释的传说感到失望 be disappoi


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