Gossip Girl经典台词(英汉双语).doc

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Gossip Girl经典台词(英汉双语)

Gossip girl 1.When it comes to family, we’re all still children at heart. No matter how old we get, we always need a place to call home. Because without the people you love most, you can’t help but feel all alone in the world. Sometimes it’s hard to see the lines we’ve drawn, until we cross them. That’s when we rely on the ones we love to pull us back, and give us something to hold on to. 有时候,我们很难看见自己亲手划下的界限,知道我们跨越了它们,这时候,我们赖以信任,我们所爱的人会把我们拉回来。并给我们坚持下去的理由。 2.With enough time, we all find what we’re looking for. Even if it was there all along. 只要时间充足,要找的都能找到。即便它始终都在原地 3.I love you, saying it was hard, but I did, and I’ve never looked back. So now I’m asking you, please do this for me. 我爱你 很难说出口。但我说了就永不回头。 所以现在我求你,为了我也这么做。 4.Blare: It’s no use to deny the past. Chuck is s part of me. He’ll always be. It just hurts so much. 逃避过去是没有用的。Chuck已经是我的一部分了。他永远都是。只是太心痛了。 5.If two people are meant to be together, eventually they’ll find their way to back. 如果两个人注定要在一起,最终他们会找到回来的路。 6.When you do things betrayed who you are. It can become very difficult to recognize yourself 当你做了违背本意的事时,可能很难再找回你自己了。 7.It’s a lot easier for me to start over without any reminders from my past. 不再想起过去 会让我的新生容易很多。 8.If you really want something,you don’t stop for anyone or anything until you get it. 如果你真想得到什么 在得到之前别为了任何人或任何事停留。 9.In the real world, the only thing that matters is who you are, not what you own. 在现实世界里,你是谁才最重要,而不是你拥有什么。 10.C: I don’t know what spell he’s put you under, but he’s not your friend, he can’t be trusted 我不知道他给你下了什么药,但他不是你的朋友,你不能相信他 N: Why is that? Cause he doesn’t believe what you believe in? It’s exactly what he said —— the money, the drugs, the privileges, they’ re just keeping us numb so we don’t know it’s better out there in the real world 为什么?因为他不相信你相信的一切?正如他所说——财富 毒品 特权,这些东西使我们麻木,这样我们就不会知道,现实世界其实更好。 C: The real world? Everyone out there wants to be us. We are what you aspire to, not run away from. 现实世界?每个人都想成为我们,我们是奋斗的目标,不是逃避的对象 11.Upper East Side queens aren’t born at the


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