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新版-牛津上海版-深圳用-一年级(上) 教学工作计划 学生基本情况分析,各班人数如下: 班级 人数 一(1)班: 50 一(2)班: 50 教材分析(包括各章(单元)教学内容、教学目的要求、教学重难点及教学中应注意的问题等的分析): Module1 Getting to know you Unit1.Hello Using the key words in context Using formulaic expressions to greet people and bid farewell Using a common pattern to introduce oneself Unit 2.My classmates Using the key words in context Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using formulaic expressions to offer people things Using formulaic expressions to express thanks Unit 3.My face Using the key words in context Using imperatives to give simple instructions Using pronouns to show which item is being referred to Module2 My family, my friends and me Unit4.I can sing Using verbs to indicate actions Using the modal verb can to express abilities Unit5 My family Using pronouns to identify people Using nouns to identify people Unit6 My friends Using adjectives to describe people Using pronouns to identify people Module3 Places and activities Unit7Let’s count Using numerals to count from one to six Using numerals to show quantity Unit 8 Apples, please Using nouns to identify fruit Using formulaic expressions to reply to requests Unit9 May I have a pie? Using nouns to identify food Using formulaic expressions to request something Module4 The world around us Unit10 On the farm Using nouns to identify common farm animals Using verbs to give instructions Using a pronoun to refer to something Unit11 In the zoo Using nouns to identify animals Asking yes/no questions to elicit simple responses Unit12 In the park Using adjectives to identify colours Using imperatives to give simple instructions Asking wh-questions to find out the colours of objects 周次 日期 教 学 内 容 授课时数 备注 1 8.31—9.6 Unit1.Hello 3 2 9.7——13 Unit1.Hello 3 3 9.14——20 Unit 2.My classmates 3 4 9.21——27 Unit 2.My classmates 3 5 9.28—10.4 Unit 3.My face 3 6 10.5—11 0 国庆节放假 7 10.12—10.18 Unit 3.My face 3 8 10.19—10.25 Unit4.I can sing 3 9 10.26—11.1 Unit4.I can


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