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GWD讲义对应阅读练习题讲义P3_P8——11Q2 to Q4:The fields of antebellum (pre-CivilWar) political history and women’s his-tory use separate sources and focusLineon separate issues. Political histori-(5)ans, examining sources such as votingrecords, newspapers, and politicians’writings, focus on the emergence in the1840’s of a new “American politicalnation,” and since women were neither(10)voters nor politicians, they receive littlediscussion. Women’s historians, mean-while, have shown little interest in thesubject of party politics, instead draw-ing on personal papers, legal records(15)such as wills, and records of femaleassociations to illuminate women’sdomestic lives, their moral reformactivities, and the emergence of thewoman’s rights movement.(20)However, most historians haveunderestimated the extent and signifi-cance of women’s political allegiancein the antebellum period. For example,in the presidential election campaigns(25)of the 1840’s, the Virginia Whig partystrove to win the allegiance of Virginia’swomen by inviting them to rallies andspeeches. According to Whig propa-ganda, women who turned out at the(30)party’srallies gathered informationthat enabled them to mold party-loyalfamilies, reminded men of moral valuesthat transcended party loyalty, and con-ferred moral standing on the party.(35)Virginia Democrats, in response,began to make similar appeals towomen as well. By the mid-1850’stheinclusion of women in the rituals ofparty politics had become common-(40)place, and the ideology that justifiedsuch inclusion had been assimilatedby the Democrats.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Q2:观点题——看选项The primary purpose of the passage as a whole is toexamine the tactics of antebellum political parties with regard to womentrace the effect of politics on the emergence of the woman’s rights movementpoint out a deficiency in the study of a particular historical perioddiscuss the ideologies意识形态 of opposing antebellum political partie


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