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Book1 翻译

Unit 1Sentence translation1. 由于违反交规他收到了严厉地处罚。(violate, severe)2. 他们预期到2017年死于艾滋病的人数将翻番。(anticipate)3. 她紧闭双眼,极力忍住眼泪。(hold back)4. 据说这个美国电影公司每年生产几百部电影。(turn out)5. 他用演讲激励黑人为他们的自由而战。(inspire)参考译文1. He was severely punished for violating traffic rules. 2. They anticipate that deaths from AIDS will have doubled by 2017.3. She closed her eyes in an attempt to hold back the tears.4. It is said that the American movie studio turns out hundreds of films every year.5. He inspired the black to fight for their freedom with his speech.Passage translation迈克是一位享有很高声誉的作家,一生创作了很多名著。在他创作的过程中,童年回忆如潮水一般涌来。回忆起童年经历,他无法抑制住泪水。由于天生残疾,他一度陷入痛苦。后来受到很多人的鼓舞, 他开始相信他最终会成为一个有用的人。compose reputation vividagony hold back inspire参考译文Mike, who has composed many masterpieces in his life, is a writer with a good reputation. In composing his works, his vivid memories of his childhood came flooding back. When he recalled his experiences in his childhood, he couldn’t hold back his tears. Born disabled, he had been in agony for a long time before he was inspired by many people. He began to feel that he would lead a useful life.Unit 2Sentence translation随着时间的推移,情况会变得更好。(go by) 这篇课文太长了, 以致我们记不住。(learn heart) 这篮球赛已经延期三次了。(postpone)我们从小学到高中都在同一个班里。(all the way)大学毕业后,可以说我和老同学失去了联系。(kind of, lose touch)参考译文:Things will get much better as time goes by. 2. The text is too long for us to learn by heart. 3. The basketball game has already been postponed three times.We were in the same class all the way through both primary and high schools. Since I graduated from university/college, I have kind of lost touch with my old classmates.Passage translation亨利的来信使我想起我们高中的欢乐时光,那时候我们下课了经常一起出去玩。但是后来我从老街坊搬走了。我从来没有去过同学会。我们都该与老朋友保持联系。不过总是有事情冒出来,好像抽不出时间。我想今后我会和亨利保持通信的。remind sb. of hang out class reunion keep in touch with come up keep up correspondence with...参考译文:Henry’s letter reminds me of the happy time in high school. At that time we often hung out


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