课件提纲 Lecture 5 Idioms.doc

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课件提纲 Lecture 5 Idioms

Lecture Five Idioms Lead-in Take these exercises as a quiz to check your knowledge of idioms “Do English idioms drive you round the bend (使发疯,使发狂), send you potty (使发疯似的, 使着迷的) or make you go bananas (发疯, 神经错乱)? Maybe you find them as clear as mud (令人费解,让人摸不到头脑), and they leave you thinking that you are as thick as two short planks (笨得像木头人) because you cant get your head around them (理解,明白)? Well, help is at hand - try this book and you could end up thinking that you are Jack the Lad (有自信但鲁莽,酷哥) and on top of it all (数一数二的,首屈一指的). -Cambridge University Press put together 7000 of the most common idioms in English.” - How do you know about Johns illness? - Oh, I heard it on the grapevine. from bamboo telegraph通过非正式的渠道得到的,小道的 He always goes at things like a bull in a china shop! clumsy, reckless 莽撞行事,笨拙卤莽,笨手笨脚 Lets call it a day. I am very tired and we have covered the main points of the meeting I think. have a rest, have a break vi. 收工(休息,终止) You should fall in with our arrangements; we cant make alternative plans for you. agree with , approve of vt. 同意,和...一致 “Do you think Mary will quit her job now that she‘s pregnant?” Yeah, when pigs fly! by no means 永无可能;决不可能 She had to bite the bullet and give in to her bosss unreasonable demands. set sb’s teeth, clench ones teeth 忍痛,咬紧牙关;咬子弹(强忍痛苦) When Carols son got an F on his report card, she hit the ceiling! Extremely angry, fly into a rage勃然大怒, 暴跳如雷, 大发雷霆 Idioms with Animals To eat like a horse. To eat a great deal 狼吞虎咽 To work like a horse To work very hard 象黄牛一样干活,拼命工作 A dead horse matter No longer of concern 已成定局 A willing horse A keen worker 心甘情愿努力干活的人,孺子牛 A dark horse A person or thing whose true character and worth is unknown but may be better than is thought 黑马,出其不意的获胜者 Hold your horses Stop, wait 耐心些,别着急,等一等 Lock the stable door after the horse has bolted Take action too late 贼去关门,为时已晚;亡羊补牢 Put the cart before the horse To do things in the wrong order车置马前 (喻指本末倒置 ) Change horses midstream Change ones o


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