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Lesson Two Discovery of a Father Key to the Exercises Pre-Class Work II 3. Learn the rules of word-building. Enrich and enlarge your vocabulary. l) Give the corresponding nouns of the following verbs and adjectives. (1) dignity (2) refusal (3) embarrassment (4) smash (5) sympathy (6) fright (7) service (8) solution (9) glimpse (10) surrender (11) intimacy (12) absurdity (13) ridicule - (14) maturity (15) miracle (16) terror (17) pride 2) Give the corresponding verbs of the following adjectives. A11 these adjectives can be used as verbs except the following: quick (quicken) short (shorten) wide (widen) thick (thicken) cold (freeze, chill, cool) hot (heat) silent (silence) full (fill) sure (assure, ensure) sharp ( sharpen) high (heighten, raise) low(lower) dark (darken) light (lighten) sad (sadden) weak (weaken) strong ( strengthen) long (lengthen) angry (anger) 3) Translate the following using your acquired rules of word-building. (1) 打开门锁 解开外衣纽扣 打开瓶塞 脱下婴儿的衣服 卸下船上的货 拔掉收音机的电源 解开绳结 拉开夹克的拉链 打开行李 (2) 预订一张票 浑水摸鱼 面对现实 主持一次会议 狼吞虎咽地吃东西 跟踪某人 浇花 率领一个代表团 肩负责任 用好奇的眼光看人 骑自行车上学 将酒装瓶 墙上糊上墙纸 拔园中的草 用刀捅一个老人 刮去鱼鳞 来回乘公共汽车 火箭般迅速掌权 More Work on the Text II Vocabulary 1. Translate 1) From English into Chinese. (1) 经营一家五金店 (2) 给顾客赊账过多 (3) 拒绝赊账 (4) 忍受炎热 (5) 忍受侮辱 (6) 负责指挥这支军队 (7) 打碎窗户 (8) 变得不名分文 (9) 编一个故事 (10) 避免张扬 (11) 同情穷人 (12) 弄到一些酒 (13) 喝了几口啤酒 (14) 雇一个助手 (15) 活跃气氛 (16) 打败敌人 (17) 啪的一下把一个东西放在桌上 (18) 使客人感到难堪 (19) 把某人吓了一跳 (20) 向黑暗中奋力游去 2) Form Chinese into English, using “to be” as the predicate where possible. (1) My father was down and out at that time. (2) We can go there either by train or by air. Its up to you, (3) The police officer decided that the two men hanging around the bank at this hour were up to no good. (4) OK, the game is up. You are under arrest. (5) Now, time is up. You must stop here. (6) You are up early. Its not yet six. (7) She is not in Beijing at the moment. She has been a


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