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英语Idioms汇总unit11. Breath of life 生命的气息 Poetry and art are the breath of life to her. 诗歌和艺术是她的生命之源。2. Garden of Eden 伊甸园Life is no Garden of Eden at the moment.现今的生活没有乐土。3. Adam and Eve 亚当和夏娃 I don’t remember when all this took place. Perhaps it was when Adam and Eve lived. 我不记得这所有的事是何时发生的,也许是在很久很久以前。There is a tendency of longevity长寿 on his mother’s side. Both his grandpa and grandma lived to be over ninety—lived to be Adam and Eve, as they say. 在他母亲那系有长寿的趋向。他的外祖父和外祖母都活到了九十多岁,就像他们说的,要长命百岁。4. Adam’s profession 亚当的职业He has always been thinking of engaging in Adam’s profession when he retires.他总是想要在退休后从事园艺工作。5. Bone of one’s bones and flesh of one’s flesh 骨中骨,肉中肉I hold myself supremely blest—blest beyond what language can express; because I am my husband’s life as fully as he is mine. No woman was ever nearer to her mate than I am: ever more absolutely bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh.融为一体 --Jane Eyre The trade union was bone of the bones and flesh of the flesh of the workers.工会和工人们休戚相关。unit21. Fig leaves 无花果叶Come and see this picture of Tom in his babyhood—without even a fig leaf on. 快来看这张Tom一丝不挂的婴儿照。2. Curse of Adam 亚当的诅咒His father died young and the curse of Adam kept him from continuing his schooling as he had to help his mother support a big family.他的父亲英年早逝,这苦难使他不能继续上学因为他要帮他母亲撑起整个大家庭。3. by the sweat of one’s brow 一个人额头上的汗水In the sweat of their brow, the peasant couple sent all their children to university.在辛勤劳作下,这对农民夫妇把他们的孩子全送进了大学4. For dust you are and to dust you will return因为你是尘土,你将回归尘土I see no point accumulating material possessions by the sweat of one’s brow. After all, for dust you are, and to dust you shall return.我认为辛苦工作来积攒物质财富毫无意义。毕竟,人生不带来死不带去。5. Brother’s keeper 兄弟的守护者 Is the ideal philosophy哲学 every man for himself or I am my brothers keeper”? “人人为己”或者“帮助他人”是理想的哲学吗?6. Forbidden fruit 禁忌之果A: I told Tom he was not allowed to eat ice-cream today, but you know---我告诉汤姆他今天不准吃冰激凌,但是你知道的——B: Well, forbidden fruit tastes better; and this is especia


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