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湖南大学2010年翻译硕士考研真题及答案 历年真题是最权威的,最直接了解各专业考研的复习资料,考生要重视和挖掘其潜在价值,尤其是现在正是冲刺复习阶段,模拟题和真题大家都要多练多总结,下面分享湖南大学2010年翻译硕士考研真题及答案,方便考生使用。 湖南大学2010年翻译硕士考研真题及答案   I. Phrase Translation   1)三个代表: Three Represents   2)与时俱进: advance with the times ; keep pace with the times   3)自主创新能力:capacity for independent innovation; independent innovation capability   4)以德治国:Rule the country by virtue; run the country by virtue   5)科学发展观:Scientific Outlook on Development   6)房奴:house slave ; mortgage slave   7)“三农”问题:issues concerning agriculture,countryside and farmers; issues of agriculture,farmer and rural area   8)传销:pyramid selling; pyramid sales   9)服务型政府:service-oriented government; Service Government   10)经济适用房:affordable housing;economically affordable housing   11)以人为本: people oriented; Put People First   12)次贷危机: subprime mortgage crisis; subprime crisis   13)廉政建设: construction of a clean and honest administration; clean government building   14)精神文明: cultural and ideological progress   15)中部崛起: rise of central china   16) normalization of diplomatic relations: 外交关系正常化   17) labor dispute: 劳动争议;劳资纠纷   18) irrenewable energy:不可再生能源   19) wealth gap: 贫富差距; 贫富悬殊   20) cyberterrorism: 网络恐怖主义   21) bubble economy:泡沫经济   22) greenhouse gases:温室气体;温室效应气体   23) think tank:智囊团;智库   24) intellectual property rights: 知识产权   25) oil-for-food program: 石油换粮食计划;石油换食品计划   26) anthrax: 炭疽,炭疽热   27) Pacific Rim: 太平洋周边地区; 环太平洋(地区);太平洋沿岸(地区)   28) soft landing: 软着陆   29) the carrot and the stick: 胡萝卜加大棒; 威逼加利诱; 软硬兼施   30) multilateral negotiation: 多边谈判;多方协商   II. Passage translation   Section A English to Chinese   Lawrence lived his relatively short life during a period of social and political upheaval . His experience as a student and a teacher would not have been possible had the Education Act of 1870 not established compulsory elementary schools for children of back grounds like his. The industrialism he hated, particularly the large-scale coal mining in areas like Notting hamshire, with the accompany


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