time key word5.普通词 动词.doc

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time key word5.普通词 动词

abhor [?bˋh?r] v. 痛恨,厌恶 【同】detest This cannot be right—even if it accords with all the experimental evidence. Why? Because it is just too ugly. And everything in our experience tells us that nature abhors ugly. 这种情形一定有问题,就算所有实验证据都支持它也是一样。为什么?因为它太丑陋了,而我们体验过的一切都告诉我们,大自然最厌恶丑陋。 accelerate [?kˋs?l??ret] v. 加速 There are some who want to accelerate the pace on reform and those who want it to slow down. 有人想加快改革的步伐,有人则想放慢。 accommodate [?ˋkɑm??det] v. 包容,适应,容纳 Netscape perpetually updates its browser to accommodate new Web application. 网景不断在更新它的浏览器,以求与新的全球资讯网应用软件相容。 accumulate [?ˋkjumj??let] v. 累积 【同】build up In sumo’s complicated, multitiered ranking system, there are contests in which a win is crucial for one wrestler to gain promotion but is meaningless to his opponent, who may already have accumulated enough victories. 相扑的体制复杂、层级众多,有时一场比赛的输赢对其中一个能否升级事关重大,但对于也许已积累足够胜券的对手却无所谓。 █multitier adj. 多层的 administer [?dˋm?n?st?] v. 给药,施行 【同】give That settled, he administered a stimulant called atropine to strengthen her heartbeat. 确定了这点之后,他使用一剂叫阿托品的兴奋剂来增强她的心跳。 adore [?ˋd?r] v. 热爱 For sumo to maintain its special place in the Japanese heart, it will have to deliver the naked display of girth, strength and purity that people adore not the more recent images of greed and dishonesty. 相扑若想保持在日本人心中特别的地位,就得将人们热爱的吨位、力量与纯洁真正表现出来,而不是最近表现出的贪婪、欺瞒的形象。 █deliver v. 履行(所承诺的事物);girth n. 腰围 afflict [?ˋfl?kt] v. 折磨,使苦恼 【同】affect “The message I take home,” he says, “is that disease afflicting plants and animals can send ripples through economies and societies no less disastrous than those affecting humans.” 他说:“我所得到的重要信息是:加害于植物和动物的病害,可能会在经济与社会领域中间接造成多方面的影响,其所带来的灾害不下于那些影响人类的疾病。” █ripple n. 水面涟漪,喻间接而多方面的影响 alleviate [?ˋliv??et] v. 减轻 【同】ease The club’s 12000 members include AIDS patients who say marijuana stimulates their appetite and cancer sufferers who say it alleviates nausea caused by chemotherapy. 这个俱乐部有1.2万名会员,其中包括声称大麻可以刺激食欲的艾滋病患者,以及声称大麻可以减轻化学治疗所引发的作呕症状的癌症患者。 █chemotherapy n. 化学治疗 annihilate [?ˋna


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