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第一单元 A. Western teachers working at Chinese preschools express shock at the levels of strictness imposed ,and the ways in which the most difficult children are chastised. While this high degree of discipline has the negative effect of making children reluctant to initiate play , it does succeed in teaching self-control and respect for authority-precisely those qualities that are seen to be lacking in U.S school. Friends and family in North America often tell me that between piano ,art and sports lessons , their kids are already overscheduled and subject to pressures beyond their years. Yet , regardless of the number of extracurricular activities, the lives of western children are leisurely when compared to Chinese. 对于校纪实施的严格程度和对最难管教学生的处罚方式,在中国幼儿园工作的西方教师表示震惊。 如此高度的纪律性虽然会产生令孩子们不愿意玩耍的消极影响,但也会教会他们自控和尊重权威,而这些品质恰恰是美国学生所缺少的。 我在北美的家人和朋友常常告诉我,他们的孩子要上钢琴课,美术课和体育课,日程已经排得满满的承受着超过年龄的沉重压力。 不过,虽然课外活动很多,和中国小孩相比,西方小孩过的是优哉游哉的生活。 B . The differences between methods of learning in the East and the West are thus based on profound cultural differences that will be glacially slow to shift. Yet , while only limited change can be expected from domestic education reforms , a global educational environment is emerging which offers an ever-widening variety of choice. In china , more and more parents are sending their toddlers to private American-style preschools that – despite their exorbitant fees – are doing a booming business in the most prosperous cities , such as shanghai. 因此,东西方学习方法有别,根源还在于巨大的文化差异,改变将是极其缓慢的。 尽管可以预见,国内的教育改革只会带来有限的变化,然而一个全球化的教育环境正在形成,提供了越来越多的选择。 在中国,越来越多的家长会把刚会走路的小孩送到美式私立幼儿园,这类幼儿园尽管费用高昂但在上海等中国最发达的城市却发展迅猛。 以前流行一句话:”学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕。”如今无论是已在工作岗位上磨练多年的中年人,还是初出茅庐的大学毕业生,都有一个共识,那就是:在信息爆炸的时代,知识以飞快的速度更新,“一纸文凭定终身”的日子一去不复返,我们要不断地“充电”。这样一来,终身教育便成为历史的必然。 It was once frequently told that “you have the guts to make a living anywhere with a mastery of math , physics and chemistry .” However , people nowadays , whether the middle-aged working stagers or those green horn college grads ,


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