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SH37翻译:谈中国诗(钱钟书)Translation: Discussion on Chinese Poetry (Qian Zhongshu)(translated by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)什么是中国诗的一般印象呢?What’s the general impression on Chinese poetry?发这个问题的人一定是位外国读者,或者是位能欣赏外国诗的中国读者。The person who raises this question must either be an ordinary foreign reader or a Chinese reader who can appreciate foreign poetry.一个只读中国诗的人决不会发生这个问题。This question definitely does not pop up in the mind of a person who reads Chinese poetry exclusively.他能辨别,他不能这样笼统地概括。He can make a distinction and does not make a sweeping encapsulation like that.他要把每个诗人的特殊、个独的美一一分辨出来。He will differentiate one by one the special and unique virtues of each poet.具有文学良心和鉴别力的人像严正的科学家一样,避免泛论、概论这类高帽子、空头大话。A person who has literal conscience and discerning ability is like a serious scientist who would avoid snow job or empty words through making sweeping statements or generalization.他会牢记诗人勃莱克的快语:“作概论就是傻瓜。”He will never forget Poet Blake’s quip: “Making generalization is an idiot.” 假如一位只会欣赏本国诗的人要作概论,他至多就本国诗本身分成宗派或时期而说明彼此的特点。If a person who only appreciates poems in his own country wants to make a generalization, at most he could do is to categorize poems in his country into different schools or periods and expound on their respective features.他不能对整个本国诗尽职,因为也没法“超以象外,得其环中”,有居高临远的观点。He should not comment on his country’s poetry as a whole, because it is impossible to comprehend the essence of something by not being part of it and taking a bird’s eye view.因此,说起中国诗的一般印象,意中就有外国人和外国诗在。Therefore in talking about the general impression of Chinese poetry, there is an insinuation that foreigners and foreign poetry are involved.这立场是比较文学的。?This point of view is more literal.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------据有几个文学史家的意见,诗的发展是先有史诗,次有戏剧诗,最后有抒情诗。According to the opinions of several literature historians, the development of poetry started with epics, next drama poems came, and finally lyrics emerged.中国诗可不然。That was not the case with Chinese p


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