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Read the following passage. Friends play different roles at different time in our lives. We all remember how important it was to have other children to play with when we were young. During the adolescent years, so filled with physical and emotional change, we have more time, more energy, and perhaps a greater need for friendship than we ever will again, as adults, busy with our own lives, we depend less on our friends for support. However, friends still play a critical role for most of us, sharing our happy moments and helping us through difficult times. There is a popular rhyme:” Make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold.” Most of us try to make new friends wherever we go—to a university, to a different job, to a new city—and we usually try to “keep the old” as well. However, maintaining friendship over time and distance is not easy. Americans tend to move around a great deal, and old friendship often suffer as a result. Answer the following questions according to the information in the passage. What different roles does friendship serve to fulfill in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood? Why is friendship especially important during adolescence? Explain the meaning of the rhyme “make new friends, but keep the old; one is silver and the other gold.” Discuss your own experiences with a partner. The passage says that Americans often lose touch with old friends. Is this also a problem in your culture, or for you as an individual? Do you have any sayings in your language about the importance of friendship? If so , share them with your class and teacher. 4. presentation(in the form of pair work or group work) 1) Prepare a short oral presentation (four to six minutes) about one of your best friends. Think about when and how you met your friend, why you became friends, and how you maintain your friendship. Write notes and practice speaking from them. Do not memorize your presentation. If possible, get a photo of your friend to show to the c


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