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32 ?Mary was injured in a car accident.” 揌ow do you know this or that?? Warm-up exercises: The study of idiom is as important as ___ of grammar. a)it b)one c)that d)so 揇o you think we will have good weather??--揑 suppose ___. a)so b)that c)it d)this I prefer the large bottle to ___. a)the small b)the small one c)that small d)small that 【32】it,one,so,that和this在替代方面的用法区别 英语里的this, that, one, it和so都可用来替代上文所提到的事物, 但用法差别很大。主要区别如下: 1)it代替前面所说的那件东西, 而不是同类的其他东西,是特指, 其复数为they或them。one用来代替所提到的同类的另一件东西(只能代替可数名词),是泛指, 其复数是ones。it既可代替可数名词(具体的东西)又可代替不可数名词(抽象的事物)。 Have you found the pen you lost yesterday? “Yes. I have found it.” (答句中的it代替问句中“昨天丢了的那只笔”, 为特指。) I want a photograph of you --- would you give me one?(后句中的one代替前句中所提到的“你照片”中的任意一张, 为泛指。) You have saved my life;I shall never forget it. (后句中的it代替前边说的一句话。) 2)当替换一个有不定冠词的名词或替换带有形容词做定语 的可数单数名词(不管有定冠词还是不定冠词),用 one;当替换一个带有定冠词的名词或替换不可数名词时,用that。 The best coat is that from Newcastle. (句中that代替coat。) This is a point of idiom rather than one of grammer. (句中的 one代替point。) There was an old man and a young one there. (句中的one代 替man。) 注意, 当替换一个带有定冠词的名词时,有时也可以用 “the one”, 但是如果该名词后面带有of短语表示所属关系;就只能用that。 My seat was next to that of the mayer. (句中that代替seat。) The next development, and the one which really brought computers into the modern age was transistors. (句中the one代替the development。) 3)it, that, so都可用来代替一个从句,以避免重复。一般情况下三者可互换, 但that代替从句时, 语气强烈, 具有一定的感情色彩(如吃惊、愤怒等);so只能用在believe, expect, suppose, think, say, hope, guess, be afraid, it appears/seems, write等之后, 代替那些表示间接陈述、信念、设想等意思的名词从句, 而不能用在know, ask等动词之后。 We are young now, and years will make us old before we know it. (句中it代替句子years will make us old。) “Will Tom be at the party?”---“I expect/think so. (后句中的so代替Tom will be at the party。) “She is having a baby.” “How do you know that?”(后句中的that代替整个前句。) 三者都可代替动词或动词短语。it常用来代替不定式;so, that要与do连用, 即用do so, do that来代替上文中的动词。 “I want to stay. “ --- “Your wife won’t like it.” (后句中的it代替前句中的to stay。) They say he s


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