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Japan enters the era of smartphones and dumbwalking 日本进入智能手机和“低头走路”时代 Japan has been a late adopter when it comes to smartphones, but its catching up quickly - already more than half the population owns one. But Tokyo is a crowded city, and warnings are being issued about the risk of mass collisions among phone-using pedestrians at one busy crossing. 智能机在日本的使用时间并不长,但是其蔓延速度之快—已经有超过半数的日本居民人手一部智能机。东京是一个拥挤的城市,已有警告指出在繁杂的人行横道上,大量的行人边走边操控着手机,是十分危险的行为。 Its 5pm on a Friday and Im standing in a coffee shop above Shibuya crossing - one of the most famous intersections in the world. 现在是一个周五的下午5时,我站在世界闻名的岔口之一的涩谷十字路口上的一个咖啡店外。 Its a place where every two minutes, more than a thousand of Tokyos smartly dressed commuters and fashion-making teens gather at eight points, ready to cross - then rush straight for each other. 这个地方每隔2分钟,就有超过千位穿戴整齐的东京上班族和青年弄潮儿们聚集在八个岔路口,准备通过马路,径直迎着对方急速而走。 It looks like they must crash, this sea of people, but they swerve and swing around each other, like dancers pirouetting, and they all get to the other side safely. 看上去这些行人像要撞击在一起一样,而实际上他们像旋转的芭蕾舞者,绕过彼此,最终安全地到达对岸。 Its awe-inspiring, so much so that at times it leads people - including myself - to say rather trite things about how its the perfect symbol of Japanese society: the many individuals acting together for the greater good. 这情景如此令人惊叹,以致有时让人们(包括我在内)感觉到一些十分陈旧的理念,即:这景象多么完美的诠释了日本社会的理念—为了大众的福利而行动在一起。 But the reason Im here, isnt to gawp in amazement, its in the hope that Ill see people crash. 但是我在这的原因,并不是为了留于惊异之中,而是希望可以看见人们撞在一起。 I want businessmen ploughing into each other, their umbrellas flying off their arms, and immaculately uniformed schoolchildren tripping up grannies. 我想要看见商人们相互冲撞时他们的伞从手臂中飞出;看见那些纯真的、穿着校服的学生将奶奶绊倒。 Why may I get to see this now, when I wouldnt have had the chance even a year ago? Its very simple - smartphones. 为什么现在我可能看到这番景象而一年之前看不到呢?答案非常简单—都是因为智能手机惹的祸。 Smartphone use is booming in Japan. In 2012, only about a quarter of Japanese used them, most being perfectly happy w


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