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写作实例分析   二、写作实例分析   (一)说明文(1)   说明文一般用于解释和分析社会现象或社会问题。要求考生对某种社会现象产生的原因及其可能造成的种种影响或应采取的措施进行分析和说明。此类文章的基本结构如下:   Paragraph 1 phenomenon (现象)   Paragraph 2reasons (effects)(原因或危害)   Paragraph 3suggestions or solutions (措施)   Drug abuse among young people has become more and more prevalent over recent years. (主题句)Statistics show that the number of youth drug users almost doubles in the past three years.(数据支撑) It is vital to analyze why drugs are so attractive to young people and what can be done to combat it.(结论)   Firstly, teenagers are under increasing pressure - this may be peer pressure or pressure to succeed for example. Drug use may help them escape reality, forget their problems, or simply feel more accepted by their friends.(原因1) In addition, through the media we are exposed to information that glamorizes drug use and makes it look attractive, particularly to young people.(原因2) Furthermore, teenagers are usually naturally curious about drugs, and drug dealers can take advantage of this curiosity for their own profit.(原因3)   High fines and prison sentences should also be imposed on drug dealers and users. (措施1) However, it is my own personal view that prevention is better than cure and so a good education programmed about the dangers of drug abuse is one of the most important steps any government should take. (措施2)   (二)说明文(2)   比较性说明文用于比较两种或几种类似的事物,要求考生通过比较它们各自的优点或缺点,说明自己的看法,并加以论证。这种文章的基本结构如下:   Paragraph 1 phenomenon(现象)   Paragraph 2advantages (优点)   Paragraph 3disadvantages (缺点)   Paragraph 4comments(结论)   A mobile phone is getting increasingly popular.(主题句) Statistics show that eight out of ten college students have got one.(数据支撑) However, as is the case with many issues, a mobile phone has both positive and negative aspects. (承上启下)   On the positive side, a mobile phone allows calls to be made instantly from almost any location. This can be vital where emergency services need to be called to the scene of a crime, accident or fire, where no public telephone


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