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1.词组:in advance释义:预先例句:If you’re coming to the party, please let me know in advance.2.词组:beforehand释义:预先例句:Emma hadphoned beforehand to let me know she was coming.??3.词组:draw up a plan/list释义:制定一个较为正式的计划或列表例句:The researchers drew up a list demanding new standards for futureresearch.4.词组:intend to do sth.释义:计划去做某事例句:Pauloriginally intended to get involved in tourism.5.词组:have one’s heart set on sth.释义:非常渴望某事发生例句:Cindy hasher heart set on having a big house.?6.词组:make up one’s mind释义:决定(去做某事)例句:I’ve made up my mind —I’m moving to China.7.词组:have mixed feelings about sth.释义:对某事的态度不是很明确例句:Theaudiences have mixed feelings about the new film.8.词组:…will determine sth.释义:某事物将由…来决定例句:Time andmoney are two major factors that will determine where we travel, when and forhow long.9.词组:be up in the air释义:悬而未决的例句:Zak’sfuture at the company is still up in the air.?10.词组:sb. is still wavering between...and...释义:某人仍然在两事物间犹豫不决例句:Maisie is still wavering between visiting her parents and going toFrance.11.词组:convince sb. to do sth.释义:说服某人去做某事例句:By 1955he had convinced the company to build a full-scale plant.12.词组:sb. has no say in sth.释义:某人对某事没有发言权例句:Louiemade the decision. The staff had no say in the matter.?13.词组:pay off释义:(付出的努力)给人以例句:All thoseweeks of studying paid off.14.词组:bear fruit释义:产生成果例句:All yourwork will bear fruit in the end.15.词组:You reap what you sow.释义:[英谚]种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆。例句:If you do bad things to people, bad things will happen to you. Youreap what you sow.16.词组:a golden opportunity释义:宝贵的机会例句:Danielgot a place at university, which gave him a golden opportunity to do researchon air pollution prevention.???17.词组:go down the drain释义:(努力、投资等)付诸东流例句:I triedfor three years to run this business but now I’m bankrupt. All my efforts wentdown the drain.??18.词组:be in vain释义:(努力) 是无用的例句:We puttables and chairs out in the garden but it started to rain and all our effortswere in vain.19.词组:exert oneself释义:尽力例句:Shell have to exert herself morethan she does now if she wants to succeed in sal


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