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英语文选精粹(三) Selected Readings in English (英汉对照) 25.? Hate There is no hate without fear. Hate is crystallized fear, fear’s dividend, fear objectivized. We hate what we fear and so where hate is, fear is lurking. Thus we hate what threatens our person, our vanity and our dreams and plans for ourselves. If we can isolate this element in what we hate we may be able to cease from hating. Cyril Connolly (1903—1974):The Unquiet Grave 参考译文: 仇恨 仇恨之中必有恐惧。仇恨是恐惧的结晶、附属品和客体化。我们讨厌我们所害怕的东西,所以有恨的地方,就潜伏着恐惧。也因此,我们讨厌会威胁我们的人身、自由、隐私、收入、声望、虚荣、梦想或是个人计划的东西。如果我们能够在仇恨之中滤出恐惧的因素,或许我们就不会再有仇恨了。 英国作家康诺利:《不平静的坟墓》 ? 26.? Human Nature Two Principles in human nature reign: self-love, to urge, and reason, restrain; Nor this a good, nor this a bad we call, Each works its end, to move or govern all: And to their proper operation still, Ascribe all good; to their improper, ill. Alexander Pope (1688—1744): An Essay on Man 参考译文: 人性 人性之中,有两大支配之禀性: 私心,驱策言行;理性,使之收敛; 两者无善恶之谓, 各有目标,或推动一切,或约束一切: 运用得当,善莫大焉, 运用不当,即为恶焉。 英国作家亚历山大·蒲伯:《论人》 ? 27.? Idleness Idleness predominates in many lives where it is not suspected; for, being a vice which terminates in itself, it may be enjoyed without injury to others; and it is therefore not watched like fraud, which endangers property; or like pride, which naturally seeks its gratifications in another’s inferiority. Idleness is a silent and peaceful quality, that neither raises envy by ostentation, nor hatred by opposition; and therefore nobody is busy to censure or detect it. Samuel Johnson (1709?1784):Idleness 参考译文: 懒散 懒散这种恶习仅限于个人人可以懒散却不会伤害到别人,也因此,它在不觉中主宰着许多人的生活。懒散看起来并不像会危及财产的诈骗行为,也不像骄傲那样,藉由别人的劣势来获取自己的满足感。懒散具有静默安详的特性,不会因为卖弄而惹人嫉妒,也不会因为反对什么而招致怨恨,所以没有人忙于非难或盘查它。 英国诗人及评论家塞缪尔·约翰逊:《懒散》 ? 28.? An Illusion It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched, for th


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