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Key to Unit 6 Unit 6 The Pace of life Text A Old Father Time Becomes a Terror 课前预习 Directions: Read the text and find out the English versions for the following expressions. 1. 浪费时间于休闲娱乐上 Waste away time on idleness and pleasure (P.168, Para. 1) 2. 困于交通堵塞 stuck in traffic jams (P.168, Para. 3) 3. 越洋购物旅行 the transatlantic shopping expeditionP.169, Para. 4) 4. 在大多数情况下 in most casesP.169, Para. 5) 5. 使摆脱 free sb. rom (P.169, Para. 5) 6. 个人的穿着打扮 personal groomingP.169, Para. 5) 7. 处理软件故障 fix software glitchesP.169, Para. 6) 8. 除去技术发展 technology apartP.169, Para. 7) 9. 信息爆炸 the information explosionP.169, Para. 7) 10. 感到时间紧迫 feel time-pressedP.169, Para. 7) 11. 从世界各个角落 from every corner of the worldP.169, Para. 9) 12. 在整个世界学术界 in the whole world of scholarshipP.170, Para. 10) 13. 在的推动下 driven on by P.170, Para. 11) 14. 无休止的选择 endless choiceP.170, Para. 11) 15. 适用于 apply to P.170, Para. 12) 16. 预测小组 forecasting groupP.170, Para. 14) 17. 分配不均匀 be unevenly distributedP.171, Para. 17) 18. 抚养子女 nurture offspringP.171, Para. 17) 19. 做有报酬的工作 take paying jobsP.171, Para. 18) 20. 家务杂活 household choresP.171, Para. 18) 21. 越做越大的市场 a growth marketP.172, Para. 21) 22. 家政服务 concierge servicesP.172, Para. 21) 23. 工业革命 industrial revolutionP.173, Para. 26) 24. 注定 be doomed toP.173, Para. 28) 巩固应用 I.Directions: Now you’ve learned Text A in detail. Let’s check how much you’ve learned from it! Please translate the Chinese expressions in the following sentences into English. Be sure to use expressions from the text. 1. But now, traffic in cities moves more slowly than it did in the days of the horse-drawn carriage, and we waste our lives stuck in traffic jams (徒然浪费生命于交通堵塞中)


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