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2012-2013学年度高三英语 海淀第二学期期中试题 完型+作文 完型 一次多义 excuse He excused himself by saying he was “forced to rob to maintain his family”. She was excused duties on Saturday. Please excuse me for having offended you just now. I want to excuse myself from the work. Will excuse me from the meeting? It is easy to find excuses for not taking action. free the world from the threat of war free them from the prison withdraw from a competition/ an election/ a plan 为……辩解 免除责任/义务 原谅 委婉地请求离开 company an insurance company/ trans-national company I enjoyed his company. Her neighbors often keep her company in the evenings. If you have company, you have a visitor or friend with you. We went there in company. I, in company with many others, feel this decision was wrong. 公司 陪伴 有客人 结伴 一起 extend extend a building/ a road The subway service is planned to extend to Niushan. extend a deadline/ visa/ their visit here This year they have introduced three new products to extend their range. extend political influence extend one’s hand for a handshake 扩大、延伸 延长(时间) 伸出手 延伸 扩大(范围) 扩大(影响) = reach out one’s hand/ streach out one’s hand 完形填空 向我们友好地打招呼 不要只看表面 决心要做… 树立榜样 事情不对的时候 请求暂时离开 全心全意地感谢 伸出手来握手 让我震惊 远离、脱身 泪流满面 陷入深思 假设你是红星中学高三(1)班的学生李华。下面四幅图描述了上周六你陪外教Tim去公园的经历。请根据图片的先后顺序,将这件事以日记形式记述下来,向校报投稿。 注意:1. 日记的开头已为你写好。 2. 词数不少于60。 提示词:发票 invoice Saturday,March 30 Fine This morning, 第一节 情景作文 内容要点与细节 1. 打车出行 : 时间、心情、天气、物品、司机 2. 发现相机丢失 :风景、心情、举动 3. 打电话联系 : 心情 4.司机送来相机:时间、心情、司机、感想 评分原则 内容全面,4个要点都有正确表述,语言达意,有必要细节,确为二档。根据语言质量,升一档或降档; 漏写一个要点,降至四档(6-11分)。语言质量出色,升至且只能升至12分; 漏写两个要点,降至五档(1-5 分)。语言质量出色,升至且只能升至6分; 漏写三个要点,最多给2分; 时态、人称的使用得当与否视为判断语言质量高低的依据; 逻辑不通,相应降一档。 possible version(二档文) This morning, my foreign teacher Tim and I planned to go to the People’s Park to enjoy ourselves. We took a taxi and it wasn’t long before we


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