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黄河流域 Yellow River Valley文化融合,政治统一 cultural fusion and political unity游牧部落 nomadic tribesmen疆域 territory小农经济 the small-scale peasant economy封建主经济 landlord / owner-peasant自然经济形态 the natural economic pattern农、林、木、副、渔 agriculture, forestation, herding, fishing and third industry cooperation中原 the Central Plains重农轻商 encourage farming, limit commerce战国时期 the Warring States Period男耕女织 the man cultivating the land and the woman weaving at home自给自足的自然经济 self-sufficient natural economy一盘散沙 a sheet of loose sand草根阶层 the grass-roots level人头税 the poll tax水能载舟,亦能覆舟 the water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it / the water that carries the boat can also overturn it多元一体 integrated pluralism吐故纳新 discard the old and embrace the new炎黄子孙 the descendants of Yandi and Huangdi礼仪之邦 the land of ceremony and propriety大一统观念 the notion of great national unity甲骨文 the inscriptions on tortoise shells or animal bones铭文 the inscriptions on bronze or copper wares象形、指事、会意、形声 pictographs, self-explanatory characters, associative compounds and pictophonetic method四书五经 The Four Books and The Five Classics书同文、行同伦 the standardized language and behaviors儒、道、佛、法家 Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism and the Legalist School焚书坑儒 burn books and bury Confucian scholars alive无为而治 to govern by doing nothing that is against nature独尊儒术、罢黜百家 pay supreme tribute to Confucianism while banning all other schools of thought四大发明 Four Great Inventions of Ancient China: The invention of papermaking technology, the art of printing, the making of the gunpowder, the compass守内虚外 internal defense and external slackening重文轻武 lay stress on the cultural achievement while making light of the military exploits清明上河图 The Festival of Pure Brightness on the River求和谐,主平衡 seek for harmony and maintain equilibrium消灾祈福 avert calamities and pray for blessings临时抱佛脚 clasp Buddha’s feet when in trouble – seek help at the last moment六合 six realms of Heaven and Earth, East and West, North and South内圣外王 the supreme morality at once internali


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