GMAT最精华 OG总结 语法改错1-10.doc

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GMAT最精华 OG总结 语法改错1-10

1. The Glass House Mountains in Queensland, Australia, were sighted in 1770 by the English navigator Captain James Cook, by whom they were named supposedly because its sheer wet rocks glistened like glass. (A) by whom they were named supposedly because its (B) by whom they were named supposedly and their (C) naming them supposedly since their (D) who so named them supposedly because their (E) who so named it since supposedly their 解析: … /were named莫名的被动语态,更不可取。 (2)because是最后分句were named的原因状语(因果关系).问题: supposedly修饰该原因状语“据说是因为”, B项and their丢失因果关系,排除 主谓一致:sheer wet rocks是mountains的,应用复数,取their而非its, AE错 修饰对象:James Cook是主句中的介词宾语,而非主语。所以从句用naming时James Cook无法作施动者。C错 措词:since不如because的因果关系明确,且since一般引出听者所熟知的信息(见《区别》) CE错 生词:supposedly“据认为,据推测; 据称glisten vi.闪亮,闪耀 答案:D 2.Although a surge in retail sales have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally under way, many economists say that without a large amount of spending the recovery might not last. (A) have raised hopes that there is a recovery finally (B) raised hopes for there being a recovery finally (C) had raised hopes for a recovery finally being (D) has raised hopes that a recovery is finally (E) raised hopes for a recovery finally 解析: 1.逻辑:“尽管零售量的上涨唤起最终复苏到来的希望,但是许多经济学家说若没有大量的投入复苏很难维持” 2.时态:although尽管,描述既定事实,且“尽管*唤起*,但是…” 如此明确的逻辑关系要求前半句是现在完成时(已发生,但未停止,且强调对现在的影响)。没有过去时点,何来过去完成时?排除C;简单过去时,抹杀了两个分句的关系,排除BE 3.主谓一致:主语a surge 排除A 4.简洁:there is 与 is under way 不能同时用,wordy. 此句recovery is under way 是最简洁的了,there be没必要,排除AB 5.不正常: hope for+n. hope that…(句子)..要么希望要一个东西,要么希望某件事情是真的/能实现,前者用for,后者用that. 但题目中hope for…being…的结构其实是企图用hope for的结构来表达hope that的意思。因为人们是希望“复苏最终到来/实现”,是希望这件事能实现,而不是recovery本身。非要用hope for 那后面的名词就不应该是recovery而应是”复苏”的到来”。(排除CE) 6. 生词:be under way进行中;正在开展spending 本身可以作名词“花费;开销It is just customary to make hope plural in your case. 相似的还有expectations 3.Although various eighteenth- and nineteenth-century American poets had professed an interest in Native American poetry and had pretended to imitate Native Amer


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