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英语面试相关事项 一、常见形式: 寒暄 自我介绍后询问相关情况 朗读并根据材料回答问题 阅读材料后概括/回答问题/延伸话题 口头作文 看图说话 分组讨论/辩论 朗读生词/诗歌 话题演讲 解释名言警句并评论 口译 小语种模仿跟读 二、推荐准备话题: A: 个人 A self-introduction (character, hobbies, family, study, life goals, experiences, achievements, strengths …) My hometown / city / village / school / … Why do you choose this city/ university/ major? My favorite sport / game / subject / film / book / pet /after-school activity … My teacher /friend / father / mother / classmates / idol… A famous person( scientists /sportsmen/women /movie stars /singers /writers…) My ambition/ goals / troubles/happiness and unhappiness An exciting trip / The most unforgettable day/ experience in my life Likes and Dislikes / For and Against (Food / Subjects / Games / Music / Arts…) Do you believe in advertisements when buying things ? Why? What rules do you think a student dormitory should have? Why? In what way is learning English helpful to you? B: 热点 On education / globalization / poverty / beauty contest/ mercy killing… On Festival / Computer /Computer Games/ Internet / Advertisement / Language Learning and Teaching / Studying Abroad… On teacher-student relationship /On parent-child relationship For and Against // Advantages and Disadvantages (Ban on plastic bags/ Private cars / Online games / Online shopping / Studying abroad / Raising pets / Idol worshipping追星 / …) Health and Environment / Economy and Environment/ Pollution/ White Pollution/ On world peace and living conditions/ terrorism Rich second generation富二代/ Civil service examination公务员考试/ Food safety/…. C. 哲理 What is the relationship between opportunity and success? It is said that knowledge can change one’s life. Do you agree? Why or why not ? Is failure a bad thing? On happiness / friendship / love / power / freedom / education /competition /…. Appendix 1: How to write a self-introduction? 1.总体介绍(性格为人/爱好) (家乡/城市) 2.学校(学习生活/课余活动/老师/同学) 3.家庭(成员/关系/氛围) 4.理想(为何报考该大学或专业/人生理想) Samples of self-introduction: 1.Good morning. I am glad to be here for


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