2012年11月10号教育部二级笔译试卷 记忆版.doc

2012年11月10号教育部二级笔译试卷 记忆版.doc

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2012年11月10号教育部二级笔译试卷 记忆版

2012年11月10号 教育部笔译二级考试 汉译英 Passage 1 国际货币体系的问题在2008年就已经暴露出来了,欧债危机只是进一步展示了其中的问题和挑战。过去几年里,中国和其他国家政府官员以及学界,已经把基于主权货币的国际金融体系所隐含的问题讲得很清楚,大家都认识到现有国际金融体系固有的问题,也同时都看到未来改革的方向,亦即必须建立超越主权的国际货币——国际通货。 但是,虽然方向明白了,我们也还要认识到短期内这一目标不可能实现。其中的主要挑战在于还没有一个世界政府,也没有真正的世界央行。国际货币基金组织只能算是形式上的世界央行,联合国也没有真正的立法权、执法权和行政权。在国家主权当先的世界秩序下,超主权货币难以成为现实。欧元危机正说明了这一点。欧元区17国只有货币联盟,但没有财政联盟、更没有政治和法治乃至行政方面的联盟. Passage 2 统筹城乡发展,推进城乡一体化,要以深化宏观体制改革为突破口,深化财政、税收、金融、户籍、社会保障、劳动就业等宏观经济领域和社会领域的改革,建立健全城乡平等的经济社会体制。通过创新体制,建立统筹城乡发展新的政策体系,彻底扫清造成城乡分隔的种种障碍,建立有利于城乡人口和生产要素合理流动的体制机制,促进城市与农村全方位、多层次的开放与交流,让城乡居民享有平等的政治、经济和社会地位,拥有平等的权利、义务和发展机会。统筹城乡发展要把实现城乡居民的愿望,满足城乡居民的需要,特别是增进最广大农民群众的物质利益、政治利益、文化利益作为工作的出发点和落脚点,正确处理城镇建设与农村建设的关系,坚持富民为先、以民为本,充分调动和发挥人民群众的主观能动性和创造性,着力推进城市和农村的协调发展。 英翻汉 Passage 1 全文如下: Buy now, pay later” has long been the unofficial mantra of American retailing. But this holiday season plenty of American shoppers have gone the other way—paying first and buying later. ’Tis the season of layaway. From a strictly financial perspective, layaway looks foolish. As critics point out, if you were to put the purchase on a credit card instead and pay off the amount in full by the time that the layaway period would have elapsed, you could well pay less in interest than the five-dollar service fee that most stores charge. Alternatively, if you don’t have a credit card, you could put the money you’re going to spend on the product into a savings account or under your mattress. That would save you the service fee and eliminate the risk that you’ll have to pay a cancellation fee if you end up not making all the layaway payments. What this analysis leaves out, however, is the way people actually behave. Even people who can pay off their credit cards often don’t, since the whole structure of the credit-card industry is designed to make you irresponsible—as long as you make a small monthly payment, the bank will carry you. In fact, that’s what the bank wants: the profits in the credit-card business come from “revolvers,” people who pa


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