汉语句式 8 的英译.doc

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汉语句式 8 的英译

汉语句式:“虽然……但是/却……” “即使……也……” “尽管……也/却/但……” “不管/无论/不论……也……” 英语对应句式: 第一式:although / though+从句,+主句(注意:1、英语中but字句也表达“虽然……但是……”。但用了but就不能用although / though;2、as可视为although / though的替换词。) As+从句,+主句 例如:1、他虽然还是个刚满五岁的孩子,却懂得帮助妈妈生火做饭了。真是穷人的孩子早当家啊。 A small child of just five though / as he is , he knows enough to help his mom with the sort of things in the kitchen : making a fire and cooking rice food . It’s a truth that children born into poor family understand and shoulder the burden of life much earlier . 2、虽然我跟他从没见过面,但他的为人我听说不少。认识他的人都说他办事认真,原则性强,性格开朗,能与群众打成一片,适合做领导。 Although I’ve never met him before , I’ve heard of a lot about what he is . As is said by those who know him , he is serious , principle-oriented , open-minded , willing to identify himself with ordinary people and always ready to help others , really a right person for being placed in leadership . 3、我虽然很想去,现在却没法去。 Much as I should like to go , I can’t go right now . 第二式:名词/形容词+that(副词用法)+从句,+主句(that主要说明程度,可用于替换although/though/as) 例如:1、尽管穷到这个份上,我也不会乞求施舍。 Poverty-stricken that I am , I will not plead for charity . 2、虽然她最近几天一直是病病歪歪的,但依然坚持给学生上课,一天也没休息。 A patient that she had been in these days , she insisted on her classroom teaching without taking a day off . 第三式:not but that+从句,+主句(not but that作although / though解,用于叙述一种情况之后,再作意义上的转折。) 例如:1、他这位老师非常和蔼,尽管在原则问题上也十分严厉。 He is too kind an instructor , not but that he could be extremely stern on matters of principle . 2、家里突然有事我参加不了你们的聚会啦,但并非我不想来。 I can’t come to join you in your get-together for something unexpected occurred in my family that I have to tackle , not but that I’d like to . 3、他从未走过那么的路--虽然要走也还是可以走的。 He’s never walked that far----not but what he could do it if he tried . 第四式:-ever+从句,+主句 例如:1、无论花多长时间,我们都要想方设法把那位迷路的游客找到。 However long it takes , we must try every effort to find the traveler who has lost his way


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