英语作文必备My View On Opportunity.doc

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英语作文必备My View On Opportunity

Composition My View On Opportunity Section C Writing Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 120 words on the topic “My View on Opportunity” . Your composition should be based on the following outline (given in Chinese) 有人认为机会是极少的, 另一些人则认为人人都会有某种机会, 你的看法如何? 写出你的观点,说明你的理由并举例。 在你的文章结尾处不要忘记写出你的结论。 Criteria Simple Sentences Correct Logical Order No Serious Grammatical Mistakes Marks Serious Grammatical Mistakes Third Personal Singular; Singular / Plural; Spelling; Capital letter; Punctuation; My view…? Others’ opinion; Examples… Non-sentences/Ch-English Opportunity, a word that is so important; Opportunity alway waiting for the one always be ready for it; Who want to success should do…; Anyone wants opportunities, but we seem often hear that; There are people consider; Have many opportunities in our life; Word form Opportunity is little; Every one have; Someone/somebody think…the other; one people/a people/The people who; success; succeed; successful; I am in favor of that life is/hold the view about that opportunity;/Maybe you trust on that it is important/As people usually talk out that when there is a will Repetition/Arbitrary In the world …; in the 21-century; Someone think ... The others think … I prefer the latter, that is …; The opportunities is little; If you… the opportunity is many; If you work hard, and you will catch it. If you not, and you won’t; There are two kinds of people. One think that the opportunity is little, the other think that the opportunity belongs to everyone; Red ink; Title; Coherence We can make a speech to show yourself… To we the students of university; As a student, we…; To do… doing… How to write this essay Structure of the essay Some (people) say that….because…. Some (people) think that….because…. Others (other people) believe that…because…. My point of view is….because….. Take … as an example….. Conclusion I… Story 很多人在机遇降临时.感觉不到机遇的存在,更不能说及时抓住机遇.这或许就是为什么大多数


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