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1) “青梅竹马”是千百年来我们祖先们童年生活的美丽写照。 “游山玩水”是千百年来我们祖先们游乐的最高境界。 当西方人陶醉在迪斯尼乐园神秘莫测,变幻无穷的现代童话时,中国人还在传统的自然风光来历流连,徘徊。经济的发展,生活的提升,带动了国内城市游乐业,80年代初,中国大陆本土的综合性游乐园开始起步。 然而,短暂的兴旺之后,留下了一片冷落和反思:投资少,园区规模小,内容呆板,雷同,缺乏游客参与性,氛围不浓… 外地游客没有兴趣,本地居民不在回头,孩子们津津乐道于迪斯尼式的电视卡通…. “On a hobby horse, you came on the scene around the well, we play with plums still green” “Green plums and hobby horses”, an expression from the above verses, referring to a couple of innocent childhood playmates, has been handed down as a portrayal of a beautiful childhood scene since the times of our forebears. Since the times of our forebears as well, “Travel around to enjoy the beauty of nature”, has been dreamed the height of enjoyment and relaxation. When westerners were intoxicated with the wonders of modern Disneyesque fairyland, where everything was shrouded in mystery and fantasy, the Chinese were still lost in the scenes of the natural world, enjoying themselves so much as to forget their homes. However, the great development of China’s economy and rapid enhancement of her people’s living standard give an impetus to the country’s entertainment trade. The early 80s saw the embryonic form of a comprehensive Pleasure Ground in Mainland China. Despite its mushroom popularity, the Pleasure Ground was soon left in the cold, which gave rise to much cogitation on the causes of its failure, insufficient investment, narrowly limited area, stereotyped forms of entertainment, lack of visitors’ participation and desolate atmosphere … the Pleasure Ground has practically lost its appeal. Not only have visitors from other parts of the country become indifferent but few local residents will ever turn back as well. Children are now talking with great relish about Disneyesque TV cartoons… (2) 深圳发展银行是中国唯一发行公众股票并上市的股份制商业银行,拥有股东十余万名,1993年末,各项存款余额达71亿元,实现利润3.2亿元,总资产达93亿元,每股资产净值4.47亿元。 在天时、地利及国策的完美配合下,上海正以其惊人的爆发潜力,跃登亚太至世界的中心舞台,世界各大财团、工商业巨子竞相踏足上海。 合着上海对外开放,经济腾飞的节拍,凭借自身雄厚的经济实力和卓越的经营理念,深圳发展银行斥巨资开发上海高级别墅区,特意位商家巨富营建了一座高品味的至尊府第——金叶水都。 Boasting m


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