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The Elements of Poetry 诗歌基础知识 Part Ⅰ Prosody 格律学/诗学 Prosody is the study of sound and rhythm in poetry. A. metre(格律): In listening to the human voice we can always hear that some words and syllables are stressed and that others unstressed. When the tress recurs at quite regular intervals — that is, when the rhythm has a pattern — the result is meter. Metre is measured in feet (韵节/音步) * A foot is a basic unit of rhythm into which a line of poetry is divided. B. Some basic metrical feet 基本格式 *1. iambic foot —() 抑扬格 2. trochaic ︱tr?u′keiik︱~ — 扬抑格 3. Spondaic ︱spon′deiik′pirik]~ 抑抑格 5.Anapaestic ~ 抑抑扬格 6.Dactylic ︱dk′tilik︱ ~ 扬抑抑格 C. Line length in English poetry: One foot monometer Two feet diameter Three feet trimeter Four feet tetrameter Five feet pentameter Six feet hexameter Seven feet Heptameter Eight feet Octameter * The most common line length in English Poetry is pentameter. D. Stanza: a division of a poem into units of the same number of lines, the same meter, and the same rhyme scheme. quatrain(abab), couplet(a stanza of two lines), octave(a stanza of eight lines), tercet(a stanza of three lines) two-line ~ three-line ~ four-line ~ … E. Rhyme (end-rhyme, 韵脚/尾韵) The repetition of the similar sound at the ends of the lines. 1. feminine rhyme(阴韵): Lines that rhyme by using unstressed final syllables. 2. muscular rhyme(阳韵):Lines that rhyme by using stressed. F. Rhyme Scheme: the pattern of rhymes. G. Caesura — any significant pause within a line. H. Scansion(格律分析):(scan V.) The systematic analysis of patterns of stresses, syllable by syllable, sound unit by sound unit. Division into feet is sometimes arbitrary and the distinction between stressed and unstressed is not a very precise one, for many degrees of stress are possible. Part ⅡVerse Forms 诗歌的韵式 A group of lines


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