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TOEFL考试频率大于2的词汇列表 2002-04-10 02:54:33 俞和陈东的1810个托福词汇词频总结(历年真题至2000年初),从中选取词频在2以上的单词,分类总结为402个单词组,共计1240个单词(含词组)。这400组单词大部分是同根词,少数是形近词和近义词。为复习时间不多的寄托同志节约些许时间。临近考试,其它单词可以不记,这词频2以上的不可不记。 下载地点:Http:///quicksound.html 只限于个人学习参考之用,严禁用于其它商业用途。本文件内容如有侵权,立即删除! 本文件是学习笔记版,另有背诵记忆版(含音标和中文解释),下载地点同上。 同时也欢迎下载 QUICKSOUND 标准美音速查。 1240 words; 402 groups Vocabulary Notes学习备注 A abandon abandonment Abundance Abundant Accelerate Accelerating access Accommodate Accompany Accompaniment Accumulate Adapt Adaptable Adaptation Apt aptly Adept Adopt Option Adjust Adjustment Adorn Adornment Adverse Adversely Adversity Advocate Aesthetic Aesthetically Affect Affected Alien Alloy Ally Alternative Alter Altitude Latitude Ancestor Annual Annually Antiquate Antiquated Antiquity Appeal Appealing Appeal to Approach Archaeological Archaeology Armor Army Array Artificial Artisan Ascend Descend Ascent Assemble resemble Assume Assumption Attach Attached Attachment Attain Attainment Aurora Aurora light Available Prevail Avocational Vocation Vacation At the cutting edge of At one session At intervals As a rule As a rule of thumb As far north as As such All but All inclusive A pivotal figure A premium price A range of B Bark Barn Barren Barrier Basin Beam Blanket Blast Block Blocks Boom Boon Bow bowl Breeze Brilliance Buckle bulk By far By a factor of Break all ties with Be characterized by Be taken by Be up to C Capacity Capability Carbohydrate Carnival Carnivorous Cast Cast off Casting Category Cavity Ceremonial Ceremony Chamber Chamber music Chaos Chill Chilly Chimpanzee Gorilla Chisel Chop Choppy Chord Cord Circulate Circulation Circulation desk Civilian Civility Civil right Classification Classify Cluster Coexist Cohesion Cohesive Coil Coincide Coincident Combustible


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