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恋爱必修课:10种方法让你【忘掉】分手的那个他 Breakups suck (Bieber and Selena, we feel you.) But lots of times, theyre for the best. (Repeat after us: Its for the best.) Susan Elliot, relationship counselor and author of Getting Past Your Breakup, and Caryn Beth Rosenthal and Maryjane Fahey, authors Dumped and founders of , have tips on moving on. 失恋的感觉糟透了(刚分手的小情侣比伯和瑟琳娜,我们懂你们的感受)。但是很多时候,分手其实也是一件好事。苏珊-埃利奥特是恋爱关系顾问,也是《让失恋成为过去》的作者;贝丝-罗森塔尔和玛丽安娜-费伊是《分手》的作者和网站的创建者,她们一起给出了快速走出失恋痛苦的几个小贴士。 1. Go Cold Turkey 戒掉和他之间的联系 Staying in touch with him just keeps you stuck in the past, so at least in the beginning, break off all contact: Unfriend him, remove his name from Gchat, and delete him from your phone. If you have friends in common, take a temporary hiatus from them, too. 和他保持联系只会让你沉浸在过去,所以至少一开始时和他解除所有的联系:和他解除好友关系,把他的名字从Gchat联系人列表上去掉,把他的信息从电话中删除。如果你和他有共同的朋友,暂时也和他们断开联系。 2. Travel Somewhere Fabulous 去美丽的地方旅游 Take a trip to a place thats the total opposite of where you live. So if youre in the city, head to a yoga retreat or spend the weekend at a spa in the country; if youre in a small town, party in Austin or Miami with your bestie. Travel not in your budget right now? At least hang out in a different part of town. When youre taking in a ton of new stimulation, you wont have a chance to wallow in the past. 去一个和你现在所住地方完全相反的地方旅行。所以如果你现在住在城里,那你可以去瑜伽静养所或周末去乡村做spa;如果你住在小城镇里,那你可以和死党去奥斯汀或迈阿密聚会去。现在没有预算去旅游?至少去城镇中的另一个地方玩玩。如果你周围到处都是新鲜的事物,你就不会有机会沉迷于过去了。 3. Eat More Salad 多吃点儿沙拉 The iconic post-breakup image is a girl in her sweats with a remote in one hand and a pint of Ben Jerrys in the other. But even though you might feel like scarfing a dish of Cherry Garcia and vegging all day, youll move on faster by eating healthy and amping up your workouts (a natural endorphin booster, btw). Its cheesy but true: When you feel terrific about how you look on the outside, youll feel better on the inside too. 分手后的女孩标志性形象是一手拿着遥控器,一手拿着一品脱的本&杰里冰激凌。但即使你可能喜欢一天到晚吃樱桃巧克力冰激凌和蔬菜,但健康饮食和加大运动量会让你的动作更灵敏。这句话虽有点儿俗气但却是真的:当你对外表满意的时候,你的内心也会


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