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第一类: 巨大: Colossal enormous immense gargantuan grandiose massive monolithic prodigious titantic tremendous 小的: Diminutive miniature miniscule 快的(副词) Fastly by leaps and bounds 加强 Strengthen bolster buttress consolidate reinforce intensify fortify 强的 Strong brawny muscular sinewy impregnable invincible potent 强人: Baron magnate mogul 削弱 Weaken diminish debilitate enervate sap undermine perish wane 弱的 Weak feeble decrepit frail flaccid impotent puny tenuous 重要的 Important consequential momentous eminent prominent pivotal substantial significant crucial essential fundamental 重要 Importance core hub essence gist magnitude 居首位的 Leading foremost paramount overriding predominant prevailing prreminent prevalent supreme 不重要的 Unimportant marginal peripheral negligible trifling trivial superior to outwit outweigh be inferior to be subordinate to 霸权 Ascendancy hegemony supremacy 第二类 初始: Beginning debut premiere prime genesis inception onset threshold lead off lead out advent of something 初始的 Primitive budding fledgling embryonic 开始 Start commence initiate embark inaugurate 增长 Multiply mushroom proliferate sprout accelerate burgeon 使其增长 Increase amplify magnify add augment supplement 加重,升级 Aggravate escalate exacerbate deteriorate impair 减少,减弱 Decrease abate attenuate detract diminish slacken curb curtail pare prune slash trim whittle 减轻 Decrease allay assuage mollify soothe mitigate 变弱 Dwindle ebb subside wane weaken impair 上升 Ascend lift surge rocket boast soar boom 达到顶峰 Culminate peak acme apex pinnacle climax apogee zenith 下降 Descend plummet plunge slump tumble 第三类 聚拢 Gather accumulate amass assemble congregate garner glean muster rally 2. 群组 Battalion bevy cluster drove flock swarm throng 3. 集合 Combination assortment medley mosaic motley 4. 许多 A great many of manifold abundant ample copious fraught with


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