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convenient的用法和样例: 用作形容词 (adj.) Internet makes it convenient for us to get in touch with each other. 互联网使得我们相互联系便利了。 Please come whenever it is convenient to you. 方便的时候,请随时来。 常见句型用作形容词 (adj.) 用作定语 ~+ n. A good toolbox is a convenient thing to have in the house. 家里预备了一个好的工具箱就方便多了。 I have to find a convenient location for the shelves. 我得找一合适的地方放这些书架。 She should dress in convenient clothes for cold weather. 她应该穿适于寒冷天气穿的衣服。 This is a convenient tool for hair-cutting. 这是一种极便利的理发工具。 The school is at convenient distance from my home. 学校在我家附近。 The post office is at a convenient distance from our school. 邮局离我们学校很近。 It is useful to have a convenient supermarket. 附近有家超级市场实在方便。 n. +~ Well find a place convenient for lunch. 我们要找一个近便的地方吃饭。 Well find a place convenient for our get-together. 我们要找一个方便聚会的地方。 用作表语 S+be+~ I cant see him now; its not convenient. 我现在不方便见他。 If it is convenient, please in future write to us in English. 如果方便的话,以后来函请用英语。 The corner shop is convenient if you forget to get something in town, although you pay through the nose for anything you buy there. 如果你在镇上忘了买什么,在这个拐角商店里可非常方便地买到,然而价格要贵得多。 S+be+~+ prep .-phrase When else shall we meet again, if Sunday is not convenient for you? 要是星期日对你不方便,那么另外什么时候再碰头呢? Sunday is convenient for him. 他星期天有空。 Our house is very convenient for the shop. 我们的房子离商店很近。 Everything is convenient for our use. 每样东西我们用起来都方便。 The place is convenient for bathing. 这地方适合游泳。 E-mails are convenient for sending information. 电子邮件传递信息很方便。 Will Friday be convenient for you? 星期五对你合适吗? If it is convenient for you, call me at two oclock, please. 如果你方便的话,请你两点钟来电话。 If its not convenient to you, dont come to my house and fetch me. 如果不方便的话,就不要来我家接我。 This arrangement is convenient to everyone. 这样的安排对谁都方便。 The hotel is convenient to all transportation. 该旅馆交通十分方便。 查看更多 It is/was+~+to- v Its convenient to be able to step in these shoes without having to fasten them. 在没把鞋带系紧以前,脚很容易穿进鞋里。 It is/was+~+for sb+to- v Is it convenien


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