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动态滤失 || dynamic filtration 动切力 || yield value 动塑比 || ratio of dynamic shear force/yield value to plastic viscosity 堵漏 || plugging 堵塞 || seal 堵塞比(DR) || damage ratio 堵塞物 || bulkhead 堵水 || water shutoff 毒性大 || high toxicity 毒性污染环境 || toxicity ruins the environment 短过渡 || short transition time 短纤维 || brief fiber 断层发育 || mature fault 断裂带 || faulted zone 对策 || countermeasure 多产层 || multilayered reservoir 多分支侧钻井 || multi-lateral sidetracking well 多功能添加剂 || multifunction additive 多孔介质 || porons medium 多目标定向井 || multi-target directional well 多相稳态胶体悬浮体系 || polynomial gel suspension system 多元醇 || polyatomic alcohol 多元非线性回归 || multielement non-linesr regression 多元统计 || multivariate statistics 惰性材料 || inert material 惰性润滑剂 || inert lubricant E 二次沉淀 || secondary precipitation 二叠系 || Permian system 二甲胺 || dimethylamine 二甲基二烯丙基氯化铵 || dimethyl diallyl ammonium chloride 二价阳离子 || bivalent ion 二开 || second section 二氧化碳(CO2) carbon dioxide 二元共聚物 || binary polymer F 发气剂 || gas-development 发展趋势 || development tendency 反排解堵 || plug removal by reverse flow 范氏力 || van der waals force 范氏粘度计 || fann viscosimeter 返回 || go back to 方便钻井液复合粉 || convenient mud compound powder 方程 || equation 芳香烃 || aromatic group 防窜水泥 || anti-fluid-channeling cement 防腐 || anti-corrosion 防卡 || pipe-sticking prevention ,anti-sticking 防漏失 || lost circulation prevention 防气窜 || anti-fluid-channeling 防塌机理 || mechanism of anti-caving 防塌剂 || anti-caving/collapse agent , clay stabilizer 防止 || prevent…from 纺织 || textile 放空不返 || loss of bit load with loss return 放射性示踪剂 || radioactive tracer tritium 非均质 || nonhomogeneity 非离子 || nonionic 非牛顿流体 || non-newtonian fluid 非渗透性 || impervious 废泥浆 || mud disposal 沸石 || zeolite 分布 || distribution 分段固井技术 || stage cementing technology 分光度法 || spectrophotometer 分类 || division 分散 || dispersion 分散剂 || dispersant 分散介质 || dispersion medium 分析 || analysis 分形理论 || fractal theory 分形几何 || fractal geometry 分子 || molecules 分子间能量交换 || energy exchange between molecules 分子量 || molecula


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