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时态 We ______ very early so we packed the night before.(leave) 因为第二天我们要早早出发所以头天晚上就打好包了。 were leaving It is the first time that he such a heavy attack. (go ) 这是他第一次遭受如此沉重的打击。 has gone through In modern society, the Internet in our daily life. (play) 在现代社会,互联网在我们的日常生活中正发挥着重要的作用。 is playing an important part /role Tom broke the window. I’ll ask him . (do) 汤姆打破了窗户, 我要去问问他为什么这么做。 why he did that/so He in English study that the teacher praised him. (make) 他在英语学习中取得了如此大的进步,以至于老师表扬了他。 (had) made such great progress Once she ____________, nothing can change it. (mind) 一旦她下定了决心,就没有什么能够改变她。 has made up her mind Although she has never seen her foreign pen friend in person, it is the fifth time that she___________ him in English. (write) 尽管她从未当面见过她的外国笔友,这是她第五次给他用英语写信了。 has written to He said that he _____________ Mary for two years and would get married the next year. (in) 他说他与玛丽相爱两年了,明年就要结婚了。 had been in love with He told us that it was the first time that _____________________ for the important meeting. (come) 他告诉我们这是他第一次在开如此重要的会议时迟到。 light travels faster I couldn’t fall in sleep because this was the first time _____________________ such an exciting moment. (go) 我无法入睡,因为这是我第一次经历如此令人激动的时刻。 that I had gone through By the time he was thirty, he _____________________. (goal) 到他30岁的时候他就已经实现了自己的目标。 had achieved his goal This is the first time that I with my father face to face. (talk) 这是我第一次面对面对父亲谈话。 have talked The poor girl such a lot since her parents died. (go) 那个可怜的女孩自从父母过世后经历了许多苦难。 has gone through The girl asked me a man dressed in black the night before. (see) 女孩问我前一天晚上是否看到了一位穿黑衣服的男人。 if /whether I had seen As I lay beneath the stars I thought about ___________________________________. (travel) 当我躺在星空下,我在想我已经走了多远。 how far we had already traveled Anne wondered _________________________ ? (go) 安妮想知道她们什么时候才回家。 when they would


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