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[color=red]主要为名词[/color][quote]僵局/困境stalemate/ quandary/ puzzledom/ morass/ mire/ quagmire/ predicament/ between the devil and the deep sea/ between Scylla and Charybdis格言saying/ adage/ precept/ dictum/ aphorism/ gnome/ proverb因果关系causality/ consequence/ causation/ cause and effect推理reasoning/ discursion/ illation/ ratiocination/ consequence影响/结果influence/ effect/ infection/ aftermath/ result/ affect/ impact/ impress/ fruition/ aftereffect/ sequel预兆sign/ portend/ omen/ bode/ foreboding/ ominous/ signal冲突/战争war/ battle/ skirmish/ quarrel/ conflict/ clash/ collide with/ collision/ impact/ interfere/ reencounter/ warfare愿望wish/ hope/ ambition/ desire/ longing/ dream/ yearning/ desirability骚乱/灾难/灭绝holocaust/ genocide/ cataclysm/ catastrophe/ extinct/ deracinate/ annihilate/ depopulation/ eradicate/ maelstrom/ bedlam/ chaos坚忍者/禁欲者Stoicism/ martinet/ ascetic/ stickler/ celibate/ abstinent/ mortification范围/程度scale/ spectrum/ bound/ confine/ extension/ range/ area/ scope/ degree/ extent/ grade[/quote][color=red]主要为动词[/color][quote]阻止/侵犯/削弱stop/ prevent/ hinder/ disturb/ obstruct/ violate/ impair/ tamper/ foul/ interfere/ impede/ hedge/ encumber/ sabotage/ breach/ impinge/ infringe喜欢like/ be fond of/ adore/ appreciate/ relish/ savor/ favor/ affection享受/款待enjoy/ regale/ treat/ feast/ banquet/ fete/ entertain/ hospitality逮捕catch/ seize/ apprehend/ arrest波动fluctuation/ wax and wane/ vicissitudes/ undulate/ rebound/ wave/ eat and flow/ rise and flow/ ups and downs/ the swing of the pendulum/ ebb and flow造成/导致make/ produce/ elicit/ engender/ yield/ offer/ provide/ bring/ incur/ give/ shed/ lead/ induce/ conduce/ result in/ come into being/ give birth to据说said/ reported/ considered/ thought/ regarded/ reputedly沉思/考虑consider/ meditate/ cogitate/ ponder/ contemplate/ muse/ pore/ reverie/ reflect/ ruminate觉得/认为say/ consider/ think/ opine/ insist/ suggest/ hold the opinion/ figure/ reckon/ deem/ take for说/问答/演讲say/ relate/ speak/ tell/ talk/ ask/ answer/ reply/ rejoin/ respond/ return


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