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Unit One You Are What You ThinkLanguage Points:1.inoculate: introduce disease germs into a person or animal so that a mild form of the disease may safeguard him against it.Even if you go to some Southeast Asian countries for a three-day visit, you should be inoculated against cholera and yellow fever.即使你去一些东南亚国家只呆三天,也应注射预防霍乱与黄热病的疫苗。2) (fig) fill the mind with opinions ( with) Since he was very small he has been inoculated with the idea that only hard work can lead to success.他从小就被灌输了只有勤奋努力才能成功的思想。Today many parents inoculate their children with the idea that they cannot find good jobs in the future unless they graduate from the most famous universities.目前有许多家长向孩子灌输只有名牌大学的毕业生将来才能找到好工作的思想。Cf. Vaccinate: protect sb. against smallpox, etc. by injecting vaccine.2. countbe included in the reckoning被算在内,在考虑之列There are fifteen participants, counting three Italian girls. 2)To have value, force, or importance有价值,有重要性Knowledge without common sense counts for little.有知识而无常识毫无价值。It is not how much you read but what you read that counts重要的不在于读多少,而在于读什么。3. credit: honor, approval that comes to a person, because of what he is or does光荣、荣誉、功绩This new book won’t add to his credit.这本新书将不会增高他的声誉。His fluency in English reflects great credit on his teacher.他一口流利的英语,为他的老师增光不少。It is dishonest to take credit for work that was done by others.拿他人的工作以谋个人的荣誉是不诚实的。reach out for: to stretch out ( a hand or arm)伸出The monkey reached out a hand through the bars and took the banana.这只猴子将前肢伸出铁栏够着了香蕉。He reached out for the dictionary.他伸手拿到了字典。He reached out his hand for the knife,but it was too far.他伸手取那刀子,但太远了,摸不到。Since he couldn’t solve the problem all by himself, he reached out for help from his teacher.他由于自己无法解决那个问题,便去向他的老师求援。justify to be : give a good reason for为。。。的好理由;为。。。辩护;证明为正当How can you justify your rude behavior?对于你如此粗鲁的行为你将做何解释?Your wish to go for a walk does not justify your leaving the baby alone in the house.你想出去散步并不能成为你将婴儿独自丢在家中的理由。3)His justification for stealing was that his


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