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很多人说过,他们有时第一次到某个地方,却觉得那地方很熟悉,不知道是什么原因。现在,我也得到这种体验。 Many people said that they sometimes first to a certain place, but feel that he is very familiar with the place, but do not know what the reason is. Now, I also have this kind of experience. 我走着。土路一段段被山水冲坏,留下一棱棱土埂和一窝窝卵石,像剜去了皮肉,暴露出一束束筋骨、一块块干枯了的内脏。沟里有几根腐竹,有一截烂牛绳,是村寨将要出现的预告。路边小水潭里冒出几团一动不动的黑影,不在意就以为是石头,细看才发现是小牛的头,鬼头鬼脑地盯着我。它们都有皱纹,有胡须,生下来就苍老了,有苍老的遗传。前面的蕉林后面冒出一座四四方方的炮楼,冷冷的炮眼,墙壁特别黑暗,像被烟熏火燎过,像凝结了很多夜晚。我听说过,这地方以前多土匪,什么十年不剿地无民,怪不得村村有炮楼,而且山民的房子绝不分散,互相紧紧地挤靠着,都厚实,都畏缩,窗户开的小眉小眼的,又高,盗匪不容易翻进去。 Iam walking slowly. The dirt road is washed away by the flood running from the hills one section and another, leaving streaks of earth ridges and litters of gravels, like wisps of muscles and bones pieces of dry entrails exposed in the air, with the skin and flesh having been cut out. In the ditch, some sticks of rotten bamboos, and a length of messy cattle- tether, predict the appearance of villages. In the small pool by the road, a few shadows, appearing out of the water, keep still. At first, I mistake them as stones because of my carelessness , then I find out they are heads of calf, which are staring at me sneakily and stealthily, with closer look. They are wrinkled, bearded, and aged by heredity. Through the front plantains , a square gun turret with detached embrasures come into view. It has totally dark wall, coagulation of the darkness of many nights, as if it has once been smoked and scorched by fire. I once heard about that, in the past, there were many bandits here, like the saying goes, “no one can survive if the bandits are not be suppressed for ten years”, and that can explain those gun turrets appeared in every village. No wonder the houses of villagers are against each other in a tight way instead of scattering. The houses, shrinking back, with windows of small size set on high, are thick and solid, , so that it is difficult for the bandits to climb over. 这些很眼熟,也很陌生;像平时看一个字,越看越像,也越看越不像。见鬼,我到底来过这里没有呢?让我来推测一下吧:踏上前面那石板路,绕过芭蕉林,在油榨


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