Tackling illegal logging in Aceh 2月翻译.doc

Tackling illegal logging in Aceh 2月翻译.doc

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Tackling illegal logging in Aceh 2月翻译

Tackling illegal logging in Aceh, Indonesia 印度尼西亞亞齊省非法伐木干預 Posted on: 13.01.12 (Last edited) 11th January 2012 New report by Fauna Flora International offers important insights into the protection of tropical forests FFI的新報導闡述了對熱帶雨林的保護的深刻理解。 Illegal logging is a serious problem around the world, not least in Indonesia which is home to 10% of the world’s tropical forests. 非法伐木是一個重要的全球性問題。當然在全球10%的熱帶森林的家園——印尼這個問題也是相當嚴峻的。 Following the devastating 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami, Aceh’s pristine rainforest and its timber came under unprecedented pressure to supply the large-scale reconstruction effort in this Indonesian province. 2004年毀滅性的印度洋海嘯之後,亞齊省的古老的雨林和木材資源就承擔起了沉重的的壓力。因為大範圍的重建工作需求這個省提供大量的木材。 This was cause for concern for Fauna Flora International (FFI) which has been working in Aceh’s Ulu Masen ecosystem since 1998. 這種情況引起了FFI的的重視。FFI自1998就開始了在亞齊省烏盧梅森生態系統方面的工作。 The 738,000 ha Ulu Masen landscape is rich in biodiversity, supporting over 300 bird species as well as globally important populations of Sumatran tiger and Asian elephant. 烏盧梅森占地738,000平方公里,擁有者豐富的物種。這裡生存著300種鳥類,同時還是一些世界重要物種的棲息地,如蘇門答臘虎,亞洲象等。 It also provides invaluable social, environmental and economic services (such as clean water supplies and flood prevention) to over a million people. 這裡同樣為超過一百萬人提供了無價的社會,環境和經濟資源(比如淨水資源和防洪設施)。 A collaborative approach 合作企劃 In 2008, in an effort to tackle the large-scale deforestation in the area, FFI and local partners designed and implemented an ‘anti-illegal logging network’ for Ulu Masen’s forests. 在2008年,爲了干預該地區大面積的非法伐木,FFI和當地的合作夥伴以保護烏盧梅森的森林為名策劃并建成了“反對非法伐木活動網絡”。 Mr Wahdi Azmi, FFI’s Forest Conservation Manager described the approach, “We are working with all of the main stakeholders: from local NGOs who monitor and report illegal forest activities, to law enforcement agencies who then respond in the field.” FFI的森林保護項目經理Wahdi Azmi先生闡述了這次的企劃:“我們在和所有的利益相關者一起行動:從監督并報導非法伐木的非政府組織,到做出了相應回應的執法部門,我們都在與他們合作” FFI has now published a new report which outlines the compelling result


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