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SPECIFIC REQUEST N° AC/…/… 1- COMPANY IDENTIFICATION Client Name Site address Details Scope of certification QMS: Manufacturing of Connector TS: Manufacturing of Connector for automotive industries Is the client already certified ? Yes No If yes, please, give IATF and CB number Are there any off-site support facilities (i.e. warehouse) ? Yes No If yes, please give details Chapter requirement Automotive Sector Manager Signature Date 2 - OVERSIGHT ANSWER Yes No Request accepted Oversight Comment Date Oversight Office rep Signature 3 – FACILITY DETAILS Products Manufactures Locations Applicable processes, automotive specific process, … 3 – ORGANISATION OF HUMAN RESSOURCES AND PROCESSES Total n° of employees: N° of employees involved in the ISO/TS 16949 certification: Description of the Processes 1st location 2nd location 3rd location 4th location Number of dedicated productive employees Auto Total Auto Total Auto Total Auto Total Total employees in design Total employees in production and services Total employees in purchasing Total employees in storage and distribution Total employees in servicing Total employees in quality department Total employees in management Total employees in marketing and sales Total employees in financial departments Total Comments 4 – DETAIL ATTACHED Complete the following section with simple sketch map of the factory layout and TS section, organization chart and process mapping with specific automotive process. SPECIFIC REQUEST FORM TO IATF OVERSIGHT CERTI F – 09.2009 5/5 ? Toute reproduction intégrale ou partielle, faite en dehors d’une autorisation expresse d’AFNOR Certification ou de ses ayants cause, est illicite.


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